Goner- Bodhi Rook X Reader

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Though I'm weak
And beaten down
I'll slip away
Into the sound
The ghost of you
Is close to me
I'm inside out
Your underneath
-Goner, TØP

You sit there, feeling numb. Numb all over. It's been a week since Bodhi didn't come back from Scarif. She felt.. empty. Weak. Without Bodhi.. she had no one. Everyone that she ever cared about has been killed by the Empire.

Though I'm weak,
And beaten down

Collapsing into another batch of tears, Jodi pulled a picture of her and Bodhi close her her chest. Recalling the memory that the picture contained..

Jodi layed on the ground, clutching her stomach. She had gotten caught in the cross fire on accident and get shot in the stomach by a blaster.

She feels a presence by her side. Looking up, she saw Bodhi, his face masked in concern. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "Shh." He cut me off. "I've got you."

She began to cry even harder at the thought of that memory. Some things are to painful for her. Thoughts of Bodhi triggered even more memories...

Walking on Coruscant, she sees a familiar face. Smiling to herself, she walks over. "What brings you here?" She asks, smiling. Surprise covers his features, which quickly turns into a smile.

"Making rounds. What are you doing here? You could be caught!" He whisper yells at her. She smiles at him. "I'm on work. Have a job to get done." I smile.

"Please be careful. I know you can be.. kind of reckless at times.." he answered, recalling the incident where I was caught by Imperials and nearly died.

"I'm always careful." I reply confidently. He smirks. "Well, I should probably get going." I said standing up and giving Bodhi a quick peck on the lips. He watches me go.

Giving up on sleep, I step out onto the cold streets of Naboo. Walking down to the lake, I stretch out on the warm sand.

I'll slip away,
Into the sound

I began to sob harder than ever. After Bodhi died, I left the Rebellion and came back to my home planet. I never got the chance to tell my husband that I was pregnant. Stroking my stomach, it's almost like he's still here.

Sighing, I stand up and walk back towards my house. That's when I hear the twig snap. I snap my head up, putting my hand on the blaster that I had tucked into my waistband.

Turning around, I catch a glint in the trees. Trying to sound confident, I say, "Who's there?" The trees rustle, and out emerge none other than Padmé's young sister, who's not so young anymore. I hadn't seen her since the funeral. "What do you want." I asked tiredly. "To see if you are ok." I look at her. "I'm fine." I snap. She then turns on her heal and walks away. Weird.

The ghost of you
Is close to me

I close my eyes and imagine Bodhi. His face. His laugh. That smile that captured me. I smile. He's not gone. Not yet. It's like he's a ghost- here, yet not solid enough to touch. But that's all I have. And I have to keep it close to me.

Once I get back to the house, I lay down on the bed. Ever since Bodhi died, I haven't slept much. I smile to myself, remembering his arms around me. That smile soon turns into a grimace. A fresh batch of tears come pouring down my face. I have to stay strong. I can't fall apart. Not now. I'll have someone in my life soon.

I'm inside out
Your underneath

I'm finally able to calm myself down enough to look up and there, peeking through the small window in my ceiling, rose a star. A light in a dark place. I smile.

"I'll find you Bodhi. I always do."

Sorry it took me so long to update! I have a final on Friday😥 school wasn't as bad as I thought it would be tbh. Anyways I'm so so sorry for the late update! Love you guys please stick with me!!!
Don't forget to vote for characters in running out of ideas!!!
-XOXO Piper

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