R.I.P. Carrie Fisher

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Wow.. I can't believe she's gone.. Carrie was a huge part of my life growing up. She still is actually. When I heard that she had a heart attack, my heart dropped. When I heard that she was out of intensive care, I felt like crying tears of joy. When my brother told me that she died today.. I cried for a different reason. I just can't believe she's gone. She was such an amazing strong women that I looked up to and I still do look up to her actually. Let's just make this promise to the fandom. We will never ever forget her and what she has done. She made me feel like everything was possible. She helped me believe in myself and she's a huge part of why I'm the person I am today. Let's never forget her, or let her become a lesser part of this universe that we are all apart of.

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