Stars- Cassian Andor X Reader

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"Cassian?" I asked as I laid on the ground. "Hm?" He replied, entangling our hands. "Do you like the stars?" I whisper. "Of course. Why else would I be a pilot?" He replies. I shrug my shoulders. "I want to walk there." I whispered.

He sat up. "I can take you." I looked up, my eyes hopeful. "Cass." I said, rolling around the new nickname in my mouth. "Yes?" He replied. I could basically hear the smile on his lips. I turned on my side to face him. "Do you have to go tomorrow?" I whisper. I was used to him risking his life. Being a mechanic, I was never put in the line of fire. But Cassian always seemed to be the Empire's main target. He pulled me closer, my head resting on his chest. "I'll come back. I always do." He said softly.

I felt the tears spill onto my pail cheek, then down my chin coming to rest on Cassian's pale blue shirt. I can't loose him. He's all I have left.

As if sensing my sadness, he gently lifted my chin so that my green eyes were face to face with his brown eyes. "I'll come back. After all I have a pretty mechanic waiting for me." He smiled. I felt my cheeks turn crimson. After 3 years of being with him and he still makes me blush.

Seeing my blush, he grins at me. "I promise I'll come back, Sage. Why would I leave the only girl in the whole galaxy I care about behind?" I shrug, a small smile forming on my lips.

"I love you Cassian Andor." I whisper. He grins his lopsided grin that I fell in love with. "I love you to Sage Bek. Actually, there's something I wanted to ask you. I know that this probably isn't the best time for it, but.." he says then he stands up and pulls me to my feet as well. "Sage, from the moment I've met you I've been in love with you. Since I might never get the chance to do this.." I swallow a lump in my throat. "Sage, will you marry me?"

My eyes shoot up. "Yes!" I almost screamed. I jumped into his arms and pressed his lips against mine.

He grinned at me when we finally broke apart. I couldn't help it. I giggled at him and kissed him over and over again. And there, we fell asleep under the stars.

The next day•

When the ships come in, I run to them expecting Cassian to come out like he always does. But.. he doesn't.

I run towards a good friend of mine, Al. "Al!" I yell. He looks up at me, and his eyes break me. "Where's Cassian?" I ask. He looks at his feet. "Him and the rest of Rogue One were killed on Scarif. I'm sorry Sage.." he says.

I stand there shocked. He.. didn't come back this time. Instead of hanging around, I ran to my room and threw on Cassian's jacket that he gave me last night. It still smelled of him. I run outside to the spot where we were, just last night. He can't be gone. He just.. no. He's all I had left.

Once I get there I collapse on the ground, crying. The sun was sinking and the stars were coming out. I looked up at them.

"I'll meet you in the stars Cassian." I whispered.


Ug! I had a hard time writing this! Kinda like this one tho! Vote in the comments guys! You guys are the best!
-XO Piper

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