Pilot- Bodhi Rook X Reader

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Racing across the stars was the only thing that made Bodhi feel alive. He watched as a child as his mother and father were killed in front of him, the Empire taking him and training him to be who he was today. But he always held a certain bitterness towards them. And one day, he will get his revenge.

This is how he met Annaline Matre. Her parents were also killed, but for some reason they didn't take her like they did Bodhi. Instead, she joined the Rebellion at the age of 8. There, she quickly was trained and became one of the best pilots in the Rebellion at the age of 19, 11 years after arriving at the base.

She was sent to kill an Imperial officer. Zooming across the galaxy, the stars blurring around her, she was ready for anything. Pushing her brown hair out of her blue eyes, she came out of Hyperspace, coming to Coruscant. Before landing, she stuck a knife into the secret compartment of her boots. She stuck a blaster into the waistband of her pants, throwing an oversized cloak around her to hide the bulge.

Stepping out of her ship, she slipped away. Anna left her ship in the care of rebels on the planet. Mon Mothma had contacted them earlier and told them to expect her. And here she was.

Going into the busy streets of Coruscant, she bumped into a man. "So sorry." She said. Something about this man was.. familiar. Then she noticed the Imperial badge on his sleeve. "I-I have to go." She stuttered, leaving rather fast. Bodhi Rook followed her, wondering what her stuttering was about. She looked very familiar...

Sensing she was being followed, she slipped into an alley. Bodhi followed suit. She came out from behind a trash bin and pushed him against the wall. Lowering her voice she says, "Who the hell are you."

He put his hands up. "My name is Bodhi Rook. Why did you run away from me earlier?"

The name sent shocks up her arm. But she regained her composure. "If I told you I'd have to kill you." She said sweetly.

He nodded his head. "Who are you?" He said. She grinned like a mad women. "You tell me BO."

She could see the shock on his face. "Annaline." He whispered. Then suddenly, he was crushing her in a huge. "It's good to see you to."

"I thought you were dead." He said. She could have sworn that a his voice shook when he spoke. "Well I'm not. Maybe a little crazy, but definitely not dead." She laughed at that.

He just stared at her while she laughed. "Are you with the Rebellion?" He asked. Her smile faded. "Are you going to take me in?" She was worried. They hadn't caught her scent. He gaped at her. "No! Why would I do that? I loved you. I still do." He said. Once he realized what he said he clapped a hand over his mouth.

Before he could apologize, she crashed her lips against his. "I love you to." She said. "But I have my mission. I'll keep in touch. I'll try to meet with you whenever I can. I can't turn my back on them. That's to cruel." Bodhi understood.

She smiled at him then she walked away. He watched her go. Little did he know that that would be the last time he ever saw her.

Just a couple months after that, Anna was killed in a battle above Hoth. Bodhi found out when he went to the Rebellion base after narrowly escaping death in Jedha. He was in tears.

That night he visited with Cassian. He knew her. He was in the same battle that she died in.

That night, Bodhi looked up at the stars, the stars he loved to explore and said,
"I love you through the stars Anna."

Sorry for the sucky chapter guys! Thanks for reading anyways! Love you guys!!!
-XO Piper

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