Old Friend- Cassian Andor X Reader

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Note: This one shot is told from a different point of view then what I have been writing in! Just thought I should let you know!

Walking through the small village on the tiny planet of Fest, I pull my worn out jacket around me tighter. I wasn't terribly poor, but I didn't have bough money to buy fire wood every other week.

My mother and father died last year of a disease that swept across the village, leaving me and my 7 year old brother to fend for ourselves. I had one friend, Cassian Andor. Our parents were friends. My brother provided for me and Cassian helped me by gathering sticks and twigs and cleaning houses to earn extra money and to get more firewood. Fest was a very cold planet.

When we were 5, the Empire came. I was out in the street and Uriah was inside the house when they came. I hid in the alley. Then they went inside our house. I heard a blaster fire. My heart dropped when I heard that.

As soon as the soldiers came out, I rushed inside to find the corpse of my brother. I cried for I don't know how long. Then I heard a burning smell. The house was on fire. Taking one last glance at my brother, I ran outside only grabbing a jacket that Cassian had given to me.

Feeling lost, I went to find Cassian. I never found him. The village was on fire.

I ran into the mountains, tears streaming down my face. I lost everything. My brother, my home, Cassian.

I came upon a rather tall tree. Pulling Cassian's oversized jacket around me I began to climb. Finally I reached the top.

After a couple weeks, I only left the tree to get food and water. Finally, after about 3 weeks, I saw a ship land in the now destroyed village. Hope builds inside me. I go and investigate the newcomer.

A togruta with red skin and white head tails looks towards me.

I learn that her name is Maig Zungdi. She then took me to a planet called Jedha and gave me enough credits to buy a home and got me a job that a 6 year old could do.

I always wondered what happened to Cassian. I would soon find out

Time Skip to Rogue One events•

I walk through the streets of Jedha to another day of work. Cassian's jacket still fit and I wear it everywhere I go. I never let it out of my sight.

I get so wrapped up in my thoughts that I don't even notice a tall figure right in front of me until it's to late. I bump into him. "Oh! So sorry I didn't see you there Mister." I say. I look up to a familiar face.. that I couldn't place. He looks at me then at my jacket. "Nomi?" He asks. I'm suspicious. I didn't have very many friends. "How do you know my name?" I ask. He looks at me. "That jacket your wearing?" He says, causing me to pull it tighter around me. "That was mine but I gave it to you on a cold day on Fest." He finished. I gasped at him. "Cassian?" I said in a whisper. Before he could answer I wrapped him in a hug, burying my face in his neck. "I thought you were dead." I said in between sobs.

He started to stoke my blonde hair. "Sh. I'm never going to leave you again. I promise. There hasn't been a day where I haven't missed you. I love you Nomi. I always have." He said.

I looked up at him and gently pressed my lips to his. His eyes are open with shock, but he soon closes his eyes, and puts one of his hands on my neck and the other around my waist.

When we break apart, I look up at him and smile. "Oh!" I said, remembering the jacket on that I haven't parted with my whole life. "I think this belongs to you." I said. He smiles a gentle smile at me. "You keep it. It looks good on you." I blush. "I'm never going to leave you. I promise." He said.

I didn't respond. I just reached up and pressed my lips to his again.

"I know."

I kind like this one! I don't know! Don't forget to vote please!!! Love you guys!
-XO Piper

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