Mind~ Cassian Andor X Reader

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I've never been normal. Growing up on the cold, metal planet of Coruscant, I had always longed to go outside the city to other worlds to a go see the forests and the sweet salty air. The other girls at school didn't like me. One day I would leave everything behind...

I'm snapped from my thoughts. Groaning, I realize that I'm still in class. 17 years in this hell hole. I look up to see one of my biggest torturers, Ema, staring down at me.

"Looks like the weirdo is still staring off into the distance. Maybe we'll all get lucky and have her get into a speeder crash on the way home." All the other girls laugh while the boys continue their conversations. I sigh. "Leave me alone." I whisper. "What? I couldn't hear you. Speak up you freak!" That gets the attention of everyone.

Tears blur my vision as I run out of the classroom. I pull my jacket around me as I jump onto a waiting speeder. I can't go home. My parents would know. Instead, I head for the one place I can actually have a few blissful moments of peace. The top of the Senate building.

I climb to the top and close my eyes. This was about the cleanest air I could ever get here. I reach up to my face to feel that my cheeks were still stained with tears. Taking a shaky breath, I look down. For a moment I'm tempted. I would never have to see Ema and the rest of her friends again. I could finally be free.

I take a deep breath. Looking out over the edge, I think. There really is nothing for me here. My parents love me, but most of the time it's like I'm not even there. I had no friends so I could cross that off the list. Then, there was that longing to see new places. I think it over. I have never been dead before. Maybe I can taste fresh air then.

Taking a shaky breath, I get closer to the edge. Just as I'm about to jump, I feel someone grab my arm.

I turn around to see a boy around my age with light brown eyes and dark hair. I had never seen this boy before. "You don't want to do that." He says as he places himself between me and the edge. I look up at the stranger. "And why not?" I say with venom. "Because then the Empire will win. If you are not happy here, then come with me. Have you ever thought about the Rebellion?" He asks. I shake my head. "Well, you have now. Come on. There is obviously nothing for you here now."

I manage to shake myself from my dream like trance. What can I say? He's hot. "I don't even know your name." I say. He smiles at me. "I'm Cassian Andor. Please. Take my hand. I'll be your family. You'll never have to be alone again."

The offer is tempting. I glance down at his hand. Could it be that I could finally leave? Finally feel that love that I've been craving my whole life?

I take his hand.

He grins at me. "Welcome to the Rebellion. I'm sorry I didn't seem to catch your name."

I grin back at him. "Ara. I've never cared much for last names." He smiles at me. "Well then Ara. Let's be off then."

•Time Skip to Rouge One events•

It's been years since I left. And not a day goes by that I don't think about what would have happened if Cassian wasn't there that day. I certainly wouldn't be alive.

Cassian kept his promise. He was my family. He was the reason why I kept fighting.

Once again, I am jolted from my thoughts. I look up, giving Cassian a fake glare. "You scared me." He laughs. "I just got assigned a new mission." He looks at the ground. "This one I might not come back from." He whispers. I look at him with wide eyes. Panic fills my chest. "You can't leave me. No. Your the only family I've got. Please Cassian. Don't go."

He looks at me. "I would stay if I could. But this is to important. If this fails the Rebellion will be destroyed." I look down at my hands which are curled into fists in my lap. He take one of my hands, uncurling the fingers and slipping his own in to fill the place.

"When do you leave?" I whisper. He looks at me, obviously knowing something is wrong. "Tomorrow morning." I can feel the tears on my cheeks. Cassian grabs my chin and gently lifts it up so that our eyes are even.

He then pulls me into a hug that return, holding on for dear life. Before he pulls away, he whispers in my ear, "You have to most beautiful mind I have ever seen." He then kisses the side of my head. I fall asleep in his arms for the last time.

Oh my gosh I'm kinda sad writing this! Erg why do I do this to myself?!?
Anyways! There is 15 inches of snow here!!!! Isn't that crazy? Good news: no school for 2 days!!! Yay!!!
So I just wanted to raise awareness for a new organization that is all about trying to save the earth while helping people live a longer and healthier life! Here's a few tips for you guys!
•Get a water bottle that you can fill up with pure water!
•Stay away from GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms!
•Try to eat less red meat and more chicken and fish!
•Yoga and Aromatherapy! They actually really do work guys!!!
Please try these things and help us make the earth clean while living a lovely whole life!
Love you guys so so much!!!

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