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<Minor Flashback to Hospital 2016 Third Person>

        "I see you're doing well." Lily spitefully hissed at Margot. Though she was angry, Margot had not a clue how to respond. She could've sworn Lily and Jared had broken up, at least she thought so after they shared their moment. Something was terribly wrong, and even crippled and sad in the soul, Margot could tell.
       "Could be much better." Margot growled through gritted teeth. Lily chuckled darkly and ambled in slowly. "Usually, I wouldn't pride myself with such confidence and freedom, but you pose no real threat to me. Well, as of a few minutes prior you didn't." Lily pranced over to the chair beside Margot's hospital bed, gazing at her with feigned pity and amused scrutiny. Margot, not afraid at the slightest, clutched her bed rim and straightened up.
      "Wh-what do you mean." She stuttered through pure anger and a little bit of fear. Lily shrugged. "Oh, my dear Margot. I thought you were smart enough to figure it out sooner..." she trailed while replacing her pitiful gaze with a smug grin. "You see, this was the perfect mouse trap. Though I won't include all of the detailed parts of my plan, I will tell you the start and the finish. First, I was dumped by the only man who ever loved me..."
       Margot face scrunched at this. "He never loved you." She snarled bitterly. Lily's expression grew annoyed. "He does, and he hasn't stopped. And would you let me finish? If I had known you were so rude, I would've never shown up to gloat." Lily said while re-adjusting her position. "Okay, so where was I? Oh, that's right! Jared dumped me...for you."  Lily glared back at spitefully before continuing. "We were both happy together. He asked me out in August, and thus was the start of a relationship that twisted my heart in so many ways." Lily smiled dreamily at the thought.
        "For once, I won something in my life. Acceptance, power, worth, and love. The only thing I truly lost from that relationship was my virginity..." Lily trailed and took pleasure in Margot's heartbroken expression. "...but that's another thing too joyous between us for you to ever know." Lily started to fumbled with a tiny card that was hung around her neck. Margot yearned suspiciously to see what it said, yet she couldn't reach. "He always took me on the most beautiful dates, none of which your typical boyfriend would take you on. Oh! By the way, congrats to your marriage with Tom! I would've sent a gift, but, I figured your strained, broken relationship was enough pain than whatever I could sum up in a box of wrapping paper and ribbons," Lily remarked with devilish glee. Margot, about moved to tears now, tried to act brave. "Your point is..?"
      Lily pouted her lip. "Oh, Margot, don't cry yet. I haven't even gotten to the good part! And my point is, mind you, is that Jared and I had a beautiful, perfect relationship until you had to come in. And yes, he did have his moments where he slipped and forgot all about my love and moped around for you days on edge. But at least I was there. I was there when you broke his heart. I was there when you never talked to him, not once. I was there when you married that lowly English boy while all Jared could do was cry. But you had to come salt the wound. And of course I knew you had feelings for him, the way you looked at him at CinemaCon. But you couldn't leave it alone. You had to take my poor Jared at hurt him further, and even cause him to push me away and attempt suicide. You couldn't imagine the hurt I felt upon hearing that the man I fought for, took care of, and loved was going to kill himself over a slut like you. But now, I'm going to make things right. And my plan has already been working utterly perfect. First, I had to make sure he still had feelings for me. Second, I had to gain his complete trust. And third, which I just completed a few minutes ago, I got permission to take him under my care. I guess the years for medical training actually paid off." Lily finished while glaring at Margot.
       "...And then?" Margot asked helplessly, somewhat fearing the answer. "Well...the only left to do is to make sure he...gets better." Lily said while smiling darkly. Margot hated the way that last bit sounded, almost wanting to buckle under pressure. Lily had this all figure out, yet Margot did not have any valid evidence to stop her. She wasn't hurting Jared, nor was she hurting Margot. Well, not physically. Yet something still seemed completely off about what she was doing. Margot had no doubt in her mind that Jared would remember his love for her, but something told her that Lily was going to try every possible way to keep him from remembering. She just needed to find out what.
         "You're not going to get away with this." Margot declared bravely. Lily laughed. "Get away with what? As far as you are to be concerned, I'm only helping the love of my life get better...something you didn't and still could not do."
"He'll remember me. You can't prevent that." Margot said, slightly testing Lily to get her to tell her the full plan. Yet Lily was smarter then that. "Maybe. Maybe he will remember. But you forget, that when he does, that I will be right beside him, holding his hand and gazing lovingly into his eyes, while you are back home with your one and forever sealed in holy matrimony only, husband. You see, he'll have no other choice but to see that I am the one, even though he already does. And speaking of husbands, I suggest you do not intervene with Jared's...healing...process, or or maybe that husband of yours might follow in Jared's former footsteps once he...realizes...or is told...that his loving Margot's heart doesn't even belong to him. Now we wouldn't want something so atrocious like that to happen, would we Margot?" Lily asked outing her lips. Margot, whose tears had begun to slip and stain her rosy cheeks, almost had nothing to fire back with to this clever woman.
           "If you truly loved him, you would want him to be happy with you. This isn't making him truly happy, this is tricking him." Margot said, not entirely defeated. Lily's winning expression changed into a fearsome menace. "He will be happy! His true happiness is with me and only me! He knows that, and I know he does!"
         Margot shook her head. "I'm not even sure you know what love is, Lily! Maybe if you didn't try to change his life for him, you would see where his happiness was."
       "And you think that his happiness is with you? Ha! The only thing you've caused him is pain! I would know, but you would not! Do you hear me? I am doing the right thing, and if you dare intervene I will ensure that you find out the true meaning of what's it like to lose the man you love to a fellow slut!" Lily whispered threatening her. Margot wiped her tears away, trying to think of something fast, yet her memory failed her as it could only resort to her crumbling heart. Lily smiled victoriously at Margot's defeat and stood up. "Well, that sums up my visit! Hope you get better soon, Margot! And you really should touch up those dark roots, for your true hair color is poking through. No wonder poor Jared didn't recognize you truly, you just can't fail in making things work out so horribly for yourself. Lovely, lovely visit, by the way..." she said sickeningly sweet as she almost turned and left. "Oh! Almost forgot! Should I send flowers or a box of tissues as a gift? Neither? Both? Oh I'll just send both. Thanks, M!"
      With a strangely charming cackle, Lily left with a breeze, leaving Margot crying and helpless in her bed. 'I will...figure out get him back.' She declared in her head, yet she knew that she had already lost and that she was always going to be two steps behind Lily and her twisted love with Jared.

Okay, I managed to squeeze this in last minute!! Sorry if there are any mistakes, I couldn't edit it at the moment but after my surgery I will glance over it!! So things aren't looking good, but I really enjoyed writing Lily because I FREAKING LOVE WRITING VILLAINS!!! But anyways, hope y'all somewhat if at all enjoyed the flash!!! 😝😝😝😝😍😍😍😘😘

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