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Margot's POV - 8:00 a.m., Monday, January 16th, 2017, Year 1.

          It wasn't much progress but it was definitely some. I couldn't decide whether I should be exuberant or guilty for betraying Tom and the promise I gave Lily.

That's not the only thing you need to be worried about.

Wait, what?

What if Jared slips and says that he visited you? What if Lily finds out anyway?

I'm sure that wouldn't happen.

Then why do I feel worried?

Because you're my idiot conscience...

Oh, I see how it is...

Finally you realized something for once!

The next day I woke up immediately to my phone vibrating constantly against the nightstand. Checking the time, a blurred 12:30 came up along with a consistent alarm. Clicking it off drowsily and sitting up against the headboard, I took my phone in hand and opened it. My phone had about sixteen different emails from executive producers, clothing lines, and other different senders per usual to my normal morning routine. I continued to get up and ready for a day of doing nothing, grabbing a spare yogurt from the refrigerator and plopping down onto the coach.
         Turning on the TV, I began surfing the channels when it landed on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I feel like I'm betraying my D.C. family, but oh well...


        "Who do you think you are? Trying to help a man by possibly endangering your family?" I heard a voice scream at me. Turning around, I saw nothing but a black void. My body was no longer beneath me yet I could feel the ground I thought not to be there. A rush of cold wind blurred my vision and suddenly, I could see once again my new surroundings were in fact, my own bedroom. The breeze was coming from the window that was open, to which blew through the curtains aimlessly giving the room a more dreadful feeling. The whole atmosphere was a stale, unnerved setting to which if I felt like I was to move, I'd cry or become sick.
My legs stiffened and my whole body felt contorted into an odd, crumpling like position when a scream met my ears. The echo seemed to pierce my ears more whenever silence came again, and now I could move a centimeter at a time. Instinctively going towards the window, my vision began to blur the closer I neared. Head swirling with immense pain, another scream penetrated my eardrums as I now was only a few feet away from the opened window.


It was night outside, yet the lamppost helped clearly enlighten the horror on which I laid my eyes on. On the ground, bloodied to a pulp and chest bashed inwards, was my husband Tom. His face held a serene, eyes-closed trance that was clearly evident he had been killed in his sleep. Tears forming in my eyes and my mouth opened to scream, I couldn't help but stumble backwards and fall to the ground. My head swirled once again as I struggled to prop myself up from the carpet. A riveting sensation of dread and anger surged throughout my body. 'Lily did this! That was Tom who was yelling at me!' I agonizingly thought to myself.
        The numbness in my body began to fade, now allowing me to stand and see water soaked foot prints against the carpet, out my bedroom, and going down into the living room of my house. Hesitantly, I decided to follow them down, knowing however how this always ends in the movies. Creaking onto the hardwood, the footprints started to have a distinct...red...tinge to them. Stepping cautiously over each one, I made my way down to the living room to see just who I should've expected.


       Angrily, I approached her with steam fuming out my ears. "You will pay for this!" I snarled at her. She stood gazing dreamily at me, only tilting her head slightly. My bare feet began to soak in the strange dampness of the carpet beneath me. I looked at the peculiar carpet, yet keeping sure to see to that Lily was within slapping range. My sickened stomach flipped a little as I felt that the carpet itself was rather...lumpy. Bending down and peeling away the rug, I nearly wanted to scream and force actual sound out of my already aching heart.

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