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Margot's POV - 4:50 p.m., Monday, April 4th, 2017, Year 1.

           He cares for me. I could see it. It wasn't much of a sign, but I saw it in him. He would never admit it; however, if I ever asked him. I knew he would blow up into vast proportions about how he wasn't caring for me in any remote way possible. Yet I knew the only truth was he was getting better. Maybe Eva was right with her little knowledge about amnesia. Maybe Jared was on the path to recovery like she said. But the only problem was his breaking point and when it was going to come. Eva said he would most likely start to return to normal after he had finally dissolved all his anger and that it would be either be a huge break down or an internal fight for power, and those had not happened yet. Basically, there was a fifty-fifty chance of him either taking the blow onto me or taking the blow onto himself. I couldn't bare either to happen, but this choice wasn't mine to make. All I had to do now was wait for what was to come.


           On the Sunday night before Monday's rehearsals, Tom decided to treat me to a night out with a couple of his friends he met on his movie set. I was sure as hell not planning on drinking the night away like I knew he intended, however.
         I even planned on just leaving after one or two drinks to get some rest before tomorrow. Tom could take an all-nighter and still wake up refreshed, one of the things I most certainly could not.
         I wasn't even in the best mood either, which maybe if I went to bed sooner the long night would replenish my spirit. My father was continuously getting worse and I started begging him on the phone to let me come up to his hospital to see him. He always denied me though; telling me that I needed to focus on the movie and getting Jared back. Though this most certainly did not sit well, I vowed to him, that by the end of May or sooner I would drop everything and visit.
And by everything, I mean everything.
        The movie, Tom, and Jared himself could wait for the man whom I had wrongfully taken advantage of for my whole life.


The stupid night began simple.
       I was left out completely like a shadowing entourage to Tom and his coworkers. I had the chance to meet Tom's female coworker who he promised to bring, and I immediately knew why he had brought her. It was hard not to see that if Tom was not restricted by marriage, he would definitely be with this woman by now.
          Her beauty was twice as evident as mine, which made me wonder why Tom still did stick around. She carried herself with boundless grace and spoke angelically...mostly to Tom's witnessing. And I couldn't be more correct to know he was definitely enjoying it.
What could I say? I knew the man.
          I knew when he was happy; and when his eyes fell upon her's a ghostly smile grew on his face that I had not seen in ages. As for my reaction? Seeing her flirt with my husband left a clear and sour taste stinging my lips, just because the only thing that was preventing him from being with this woman was me. I could fix everything by one single sentence tonight which I had planned on doing...until the unexpected happened.
             It was supposed to be one drink and two for Tom. Those were the rules. One drink and I was fine. Two and he was fine. We were supposed to be perfectly and absolutely fine.
          I started realizing I was getting wasted whenever I thought I saw Tom in a heated tryst with his coworker.
Hint the term thought.

       In brutal reality, they were doing more than just what a normal tryst would include. I was startled upon seeing their almost completely naked bodies in the far corner. The woman's exceedingly load moaning was almost overpowering the music all in itself. I was shocked, nonetheless, and I should've felt betrayed. I should've felt betrayed even if I myself had been disloyal. It was human nature to be selfish. But maybe I wasn't going to be selfish right now. Maybe I had at least one priority straight which was putting him first. He was drunk. This isn't him and he needs to get out of here before this proceeds to drastically bad proportions.
          I nearly tripped over my legs while slowly propelling myself off the bar stool. I had to blink at least three times to try and clear up the bright lights and shapes that my drunken vision produced. I outstretched my hands in order to push through the disgustingly sweaty bodies that served as obstacles to Tom.
           I was incredibly proud of how I managed to slip through everyone without falling and cracking my skull open, though. The only problem was that I could see that Tom, and his coworker, were about to start full-on intercourse if I didn't make it there in less than three minutes.
          It was a waste to try and scream his name, for I could tell the only thing that he could most likely hear was the incisive moaning she made. I could only push forth a little harder and then I would be able to reach them.
          Grabbing his shoulder to swing him around to face me, Tom immediately let go of his topless coworker to stare straight into my eyes. I could care less if that woman was bruised from her fall, and frankly she didn't care either. Instead, she closed her eyes and shriveled into the corner into a peaceful, drunken sleep. I had managed to prevent the sex thankfully, but now I needed to prevent Tom from fainting. 
          Directing my focus back to my naive husband, I clasped his big hands and led him with an iron grip to the front of the club. "Mar...Margot?" He murmured intoxicated. His eyes began to water and I could see a few tears forming within them.
         I also felt like crying myself, but I bit back the urge and helped Tom out of the club and to our parked car. I was thankful for our disguises that we had assembled for private nights, them keeping us concealed in this dreadful moment.
After hoisting him into the back seats, I dialed the number for Karen to come drive us back to the hotel. It was only midnight, and I remembered her telling me before I went with Tom to call her if I ever needed assistance of any sort.
        I honestly don't know how I survived this far without her help. She truly was the greatest friend. After she showed up and got in the car, I was finally able to pass out in the seat beside her. Karen, the angel that she was, patted my back slightly for comfort while I released some desperately needed tears for Tom's sake.
Speaking of friends, I knew by now that Tom's were either passed out or getting lucky with any gender they preferred. Two of Tom's guy friends who were both married to each other came with us, and I hoped dearly that none of them had made the same mistake Tom had tonight.

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