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Margot's POV - 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 1st, 2017, Year 1.

I had returned home that day with boiling anger. I knew I wasn't giving up, but the excruciatingly embarrassing image of my meek, half naked body before her to be tortured was forever scarred in my brain. Aside from the brutally painful wounds and the shameful demeanor, the only good thing that occurred was my lack of empathy for her or anyone else on her side whatsoever. I felt changed in a dark way, which in this case only helped my fight become more ruthless. But she must've known that I would become this way, she was far too smart not too. So why let me become a monster like her if that's the only way I could enact revenge? Of course something was obviously suspicious, but time was running out for when I could possibly ever get Jared Leto back to the way he was...and to the way he loved me.


A few weeks have passed and I decided there was only one ally I could have to avoid standing alone: my father. I felt awful for it, but he was only person I could actually risk to lose. Everyone else was something too important, but this man I hardly had ever known would help me either dead or alive. The true reason I had gotten ahold of him was because of his apparent expertise in computer technology and mechanics, which would possibly be helpful as Lily slipped her hacking methods whilst in torture. I contacted him through a phone line at a bus stop, just incase Lily would decide to hack my phone calls on the land line and my cell phone. He was more then willing to help, even if I had not specified what I actually needed help on. He arrived later that day just about when I was thinking about calling again. After he got situated, he began to speak.
"First things first...you need to change the numbers of all the phones that she may have hacked. That includes...your husband's." The words spilled out of his mouth venomously, and though we weren't exactly on good terms I couldn't help but like his protectiveness. "After you get that out of the way," he began again, "you'll need to do the same with any other accounts you have. And that's mostly all I can do about your safety."

I didn't like the sound of that "your".

"So what else needs to be done?"

"Like what?"

"Uh, I don't know, maybe finding out who she really is?"

       "So you want me to hack into her database?" He asked somewhat surprised. "Yeah." I said plainly. He shook his head and laughed. "You want me to hack into a person's database? Margot, I bet that network is even as squeaky clean as her facade she parades in from what you've told me. And plus, I bet she will be notified when some suspicious activity happens to infiltrate her system."

"Oh, come on. She can't be that powerful. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to try."

"Why don't you just call the police then if you want her taken away so bad?"

        "I-I..." I began as I debated again whether I needed to tell him about how I was this close myself to being taken away, but I couldn't as of right now. "...I think we could try...on our own..." I trailed. He looked at me suspiciously yet he didn't say another word. "Well...so what if we did find anything illegal? Then what? You'll still have to go to the police then? It wouldn't make any difference if you called them now or later, so why wait?"
         I had never really thought about that. What would I do? But then it hit me. I wasn't going to go to jail just yet without Lily going down with me. If I went too soon, Jared would forget about me forever and not to mention all the shame I'd bring on my family and friends. But besides saving Jared, defeating Lily was really the only important thing I wanted to do right now. I tucked a stray lock of brown hair behind my ear before speaking again. "Let's just do it now. The American police doesn't always find everything, you know." 
        He nodded slightly after my sheepish sham of the American police force, to which I truly didn't mean to offend. Standing up while moving to the table, he pulled out his briefcase he had brought in and unzipped it to unveil a silver MAC laptop. I scrambled fast over to a chair as well. Typing his password, he logged into a couple of other work browsers on the device. "So, may I ask why you want to take down this Lily-girl in the first place?" He questioned. I shook my head. "It's nothing." I lied in the heat of the moment. He laughed. "M, please. Helping me understand why you want to track her down so badly, especially out of the millions of other criminals in the world, you must have a purpose. Either that or you're some undercover spy slash movie star or something."

"I'll tell you later. Just please, help me get through with this first."

        He shook his head and laughed darkly. "Ookay." He whispered. Standing up once again, he went back it to his car to return with another briefcase with another computer, which he presumed to tell me it was for my own addition to help. After getting me set up and telling me how to work the system, he resumed his seating place in the chair besides me. "Alrighty then, let's get to work..."


We had been searching for a good three hours and still found nothing. The only bright side was that I got to break the silence with my father and I, finding out more about him. I ended up coming clean about Jared, my love for him, and all of the other messes I've caused in my life. It was an odd "Daddy-Daughter Bonding Time" that we experienced, though it still didn't relieve the constant stress and pressure we felt as we searched. I had decided to take a break and eat something for a late lunch and now early dinner before taking a shower. My father said he would pack up and leave after he told me goodbye, but he would continue searching on his own.


After I had gotten out of the shower and began to head downstairs, my father didn't look prepared to leave however. Instead, he looked somewhat exhilarated as he beamed at me. My heart throbbed in my chest and my eyes widened. "Did you find something?" I asked at a low whisper. He nodded intensely while still smiling. I dashed over to the chair. He showed his computer screen over to me and though all I saw was a jumble of lights and codes, I knew it had to mean something. He moved his Bluetooth mouse and clicked on one of the lights, which pulled up to be what looked like a medical ID.
"Her whole medical background was a fraud. She isn't even warranted to hold Jared right now." He told me. My heart was thumping at one million miles per hour. I had guessed that she truly wasn't a medical personnel, though now I had actually proof. I grinned like Cheshire Cat at this news. We finally found something true against Lily.
"I've been making slow progress, but I'm beginning to crack her system. I'll tell you what all I find tomorrow. And in the meantime, you can research on your own as well," he told me at the door. I hadn't stopped smiling since we found out one of the great million secrets Lily had in store. I nodded. "See you then, Dad."
For the second time today, he looked surprised that I had called him that. I hadn't used that word in forever, so even it felt bittersweet on my lips. We both stood in awe of each other before he broke the silence, something he was also primarily good at. "I'll see you later, M," he grunted before turning away. I nodded and watched while he got in the car and drove off, leaving me feeling actually happy for once in weeks. I guess I felt so happy, that I didn't even bother to notice the strange, uneasy feeling that I was being watched...

SOMETHING AGAINST LILY YASSS!!!! Once again, sorry if it seems too slow or that it isn't exactly like the first book. But, as always, hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!! 😘😘😘😘

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