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Margot's POV - 8:00 a.m., Friday, December 30th, 2016, Year 1.

I haven't slept in what feels like a thousand weeks ever since her visit. I felt completely hopeless now. I had no piece of evidence against this woman, for everything she said wasn't life threatening. And hell, the only thing she did threaten was my marriage, but that was my own fault mostly. In fact, everything was my fault. Every single thing. And worst of all, I couldn't tell anyone what was so critically wrong. No one will ever know what a fatality I've gotten myself, yet truly I haven't even done a damn thing...


Today was New Year's Eve, and I was ready for this hell of a year to be over. I've made up my mind to start over everything, for I couldn't do anything else. By now, it sounds way too cliché for those words to come out of my mouth and mind, but it was the only reasonable way to fix my life. I should let Lily succeed, Jared would be way happier with her. Who was I to ever think I deserved him in the first place? I should've just left things platonic, I should've never invested deeper in his life, or let him in mine. If I'd never met Jared, I would most likely be cuddling with my husband, the man whom I should love, in our nice warm bed in beach house on the coast off of Australia, hearing the incoming waves crash in the soundless air of midnight bliss. But even in the midst of my daydream, Tom's face always morphed into Jared's.

Kill me. That's my New Year's Resolution. For me to die. I can't do anything right now.

But...but...Jared needs you though.

He doesn't need me. The last time he needed me was indeed, the last. He wouldn't had even forgotten his whole life if it weren't for me.

He's getting better...and he made that decision because he loved you! And he still does! You can't abandon him! Not now!

Look what happened when I tried to come back to make things right! Nothing good ever happens when I try to make it that way!

You're also missing a major point, Margot! Lily is trying to keep him away from everything he loves! This isn't fair to Jared! She's evil! She's obsessed!

...but if I still try, I'll screw-

And you'll use that as your excuse for when you regret this later? Uh uh, I don't think so! You need to figure out something!

...I don't think I can.

Jared would do the same for you, even if he didn't think he could as well.

...you're right.

You should've listened to me sooner...

          The day rolled on dreadfully and agonizingly slow. My mother visited me in the middle of the day just after lunch, bringing me a nice cup of coffee now that I could officially have caffeine in my system. She looked worn out, bags under her eyes and her short hair in knots. "Here you go, sweetheart," she said while handing the steaming black goodness over to me. "Thanks, mum." I whispered. She smiled and rubbed my arm. "Happy New Year's Eve, baby." My mother spoke cheerily. I nodded, blowing and sipping the coffee. The warm liquid soothed my throat and warmed my entire demeanor in minutes. "So...has Tom visited you?" My mother questioned. I shook my head, for in fact he hadn't. "Nope. Not yet. He texted me though, telling me the usual with the addition of a 'happy New Year'."
          "Well I'm sure he'll visit later." My mother told me. I nodded, taking another sip. "Taste good, doesn't it?" She asked me. "Yep."
          A round of awkward silence fell upon with nothing but the annoying buzz of the monitors that I lived with now. My mother bit her lip after a few minutes before speaking. "So...I heard your costar...Jacob?" Oh, God.


"Oh! Jared! Yeah! He...got into an accident as well, didn't he?"


          "Well, that's a bummer. Whose next in the cast, Will?" She teased darkly. I shrugged, trying not to think further into this. "At least it didn't happen to a good person..." she trailed. I immediately locked my focus into hers now. "Wait, what?" I asked tense. She looked at me somewhat in shock that I asked her such a question. "Excuse me?" She asked while sipping my coffee. I shook my head. "D-did you just refer to Jared as 'not a good person'?" I stuttered. She let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, why? He's the one that sent you the rat, right?"

"Well, yeah-"

"Okay, then yes. He isn't a good person. At least he didn't die though. I don't wish death upon people, but he is a real creep. And I know I you said that he is a nice guy, it doesn't mean that he isn't a good guy. I've heard a lot of rotten things about him, and-"

        "Mum, just stop it okay! I get it! But you know, you can stop pointing out his flaws. I mean, everyone has them. And he has a beautiful personality, mind you!" I yelled at her. She looked genuinely surprised for once. "You better not be talking about another man like that, M. You're a married woman."

"So now I can't defend a friend, mum? God, these people have you brainwashed. He's a good man and I love-"

Oh, Jesus.

     We didn't have to say anymore, for now my mother was just starring wide-eyed and gaping. We sat unmoving in each other's presence, and I could no longer recognize the expression my mother had for me right now. She didn't look surprised, nor angry, nor sad, nor happy. She didn't look like...anything. And most likely neither did I. I couldn't apologize, and I couldn't bring myself to do so. I had come so far to where now I realized, by those single words, that I regretted nothing and yet everything at the same exact time. Tears sprung out of my face, and I could tell my mother realized how I was feeling as well, and hugged my head as I cried. She understood, and though I didn't know why she ever did, she still managed to be the source to help solve my problems.
          She left right after we parted ways, and I had finally let lose at least half of my tears that I needed to let lose. Next time I see her, I'll tell her about Lily, she'll know what to do. I'm certain of it. Now, I actually felt renewed in a way, even if I really hadn't kept the secret too much from my mother. It was just Tom and the whole rest of the world right now. And possibly Jared.


       It was now close to midnight and I actually got to get in my wheelchair to be wheeled out to the main deck. Fireworks bursted in air lighting up the L.A. sky on the cold, sewers night. I smiled to myself, chuckling as thoughts rushed into my mind. I wonder if Jared's seeing this. Surely Lily would let him. And if she didn't, I would help him make up for it later. Look out slut, I'm coming for you-
        Footsteps approached from behind me, and I couldn't directly turn my head to see because of my state. The nurse didn't seem phased as the person came to my left, and I didn't look away from the fireworks to face him. Maybe if I pretend like he's not here, it won't get awkward. But instead, he decided to break the silence. "Like the fireworks?" His gruff voice rang. I nodded as I looked up to see him. I stopped dead in my tracks however.

Oh...my God.


DADDY ROBBIE IS IN THE HOUSE!!! Sorry I would gotten this chapter up sooner but Deadpool on my TV kept distracting me. And also sorry for grammatical mistakes cause I am really tired and I'm going to bed now. HAPPY 2017 PEEPS! HOPE YOU EJOYED THE CHAPTER!!!! 😘😘😘😝😝😝😝

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