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Margot's POV - 1:00 p.m., Sunday, April 16th, 2017, Year 2.

          I wanted him to stay. I didn't want him to leave me just yet. I'll admit I was a bit surprised at him that day though. I knew he would at least apologize for his accidental punch, either out of true remorse or just for the sake of his job and the public eye. But I didn't expect him to apologize for the months of torment I had endured for him. I mean, let's be honest, I knew he was going to at some point. But for him to apologize conveniently when I actually needed someone aside from Karen, now that shocked me. It was possibly a miracle. And, maybe, I hadn't bothered to consider that he was progressing more and more with every minute the pills were in affect. And it also could've been that he had already been questioning his feelings for quite some time by now.
Both were very plausible.
          But I wasn't going to waste my time dwelling over how he snapped and decided to apologize. The point was now is that I had him back. That's all that mattered. He was finally and hopefully in the clear with me...for good.
Yet now another question had arose.
         Why didn't Jared tell me that he loved me? Sure, he may not be able to realize that far ahead yet, but what if he never does remember? I hate feeling this selfish, but it was an inescapable paranoia that I wished I never acknowledged. And what if by any chance he's lost his love for me? That would be even worse than not remembering. After all, the last moment we shared with each other was indeed, a short and blurry one. Hell, he was too drunken and sick to even probably realize that it was actually me there, which honestly made our profession of love to be useless and questionable.
         With that aside, our last true and present moment was the bloody argument at the premiere. He might as well could've stopped loving me then and there, which would be right to assume that if he had stopped earlier then why would he still love me now?

You're forgetting that the only reason he stayed with Lily was because he was confusing her with you, Margot.

How can we know for sure? Just because the doctor said it was true doesn't mean that he knows exactly what went down in Jared's mind.

Actually, it sort of does...

No, it sort of does not! We don't know anything until he is officially declared well and off the damn pills.

        Exactly! We don't know anything! So stop trying to make false conclusions when you truly don't know for sure! You're just fussy and doubtful right now because of every other damn thing that has been going on. You can at least hope for the best with Jared, since that's all you can do for him. Right now, you just need to focus on way more serious matters, like dealing with Tom and your dad's cancer.

If only another miracle could be sent to help me with those, also...


It has been a week and four days since Jared last visited me. Which also marks another week a four days since I've last spoken to Tom and my dad as well.
And it's not my fault.
         The hospital still hasn't let me talk much to my dad. And I've tried to ask Tom about anything and everything, even trying slide a simple hello by him. But he won't respond. He just orders Sophia around like she suddenly became his voice of reason, and I am sick as hell of it. He can't ignore me forever, which is what I demanded that Sophia tell him. Now, out of my defiance, he's gotten another hotel room separate from mine in order to "be able to work all night and not disturb me". The nerve of him, I tell you.
And when I found out, like he expected, he sent Sophia to say another round of lectures and rants on how not to overreact and to just rest up for the next day's rehearsals. And what made it even more impossible is that when David came back and Tom was no longer in charge, I hardly got to see my own husband except for only a second a day. It got my blood boiling so much to the point I had to quit rehearsals early in order to calm my nerves, much to Jared's dismay. He didn't want me to leave and soaked up practically any spare time we spent together on set or off. I'll admit that after the day Jared saw me, I hadn't really given him one decent thought since. Sure he would always check on me and act like a complete gentleman to me now, but my mind has been way too occupied with Tom and my father.
Yet...today was different. Oh dear Lord, how it was. The whole cast, thanks to the brilliant man Will Smith, were going to take a break from tension filled rehearsals and fly off to Indio, California for Coachella. It was going to be my first, in fact, and I actually felt a little excited to visit this music festival. I was so excited that I guess hearing Tom saying he wasn't planning on going didn't even bother me as much as it should. Instead, I actually had time to hang out with my friends. The only downside was how freaking tired I was worrying about Tom, my dad, and...Jared.
Speaking of Jared, he actually brought some of his own friends and family to tag along. I met Jamie Reed and Stevie Aiello, two of Jared's long and close friends that had worked with him for his band, and I also met his new personal assistant named Joie Estrella. She had apparently been a recent hire, according to Shannon who also joined us on the plane. Emma Ludbrook, Jared's other friend and assistant, had also decided to tag along as well...yet she stayed quiet for most of the trip and almost distant from me. I knew that when I last met her at Comic Con of last year she had been a little cold, and I could sense that she was more like the big, protective sister of Jared. But now she seemed a lot more distant and cold, and I could find only one reason for her actions: I had betrayed Jared and married Tom. I had hurt her little brother.

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