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Margot's POV - 4:40 p.m., Friday, April 1st, 2017, Year 1.

Where the hell was my journal? Where the freaking hell was it? I swear it was in my bag last time I saw it! How could I have misplaced it so easily? I practically made sure to keep note of where it was at all times, just in case something like this would happen. Crap, crap, crap! I'm so screwed. I'm so damn screwed. It was no where in sight in my hotel or in the gym.
         I called down at least twice to the gym and front desk begging them to ask any and every single housekeeper or janitor if they had at least seen it, yet all of my answers were returned with negative responses. I wanted to rip my hair right from the roots of my head, my stress boiling over the edge at what all could happen if the journal landed in the wrong hands, which maybe by now it had.

      Reporters everywhere would find out all my secrets, or most of them in the five pages I used in that damn journal.

        It may sound like I'm overreacting, but too many things were at stake now. Not only would my career be ruined for hiding secrets from my husband, but my husband's life and career as well. I would ruin his, and as much as I loved Jared I still cared for Tom, just not in a romantic way anymore. He would gain the reputation of being "Margot's Ex" most likely, and that's the title he would almost never get rid of. I would set a bad example for my family, since their daughter would be an absolute disgrace whenever they'd try to go anywhere in public.

"Are you related to Margot Robbie? Crap, I'm sorry. I can't believe what a slut that woman is."

"I can't believe your daughter! Or should I blame you all as her family since you influenced her decisions."

       I cried out in pure frustration, slamming my face into a pillow of the bed I sat on. Tears of anger spilled out like a freshly cut wound. I slammed my fists down into the bed in rage, crinkling and raking the covers between my fingers. "Margot?" I heard a worried voice call from outside the door.


I had texted her earlier and asked her to come over immediately. I typically didn't believe in guardian angels, but Karen Fukuhara seemed like the closest thing I could ever have to one.
I tossed the pillow out of my arms and slugged over to the door. I opened it to see Karen, as glowing as ever, in contrast to my obvious haggard appearance. Her big brown eyes sparked worry and true concern, something that rarely ever happens with anyone anymore for me. I let her in and she hugged me tight. I hugged her tight as well in return. I led her over to the bedside opposite mine and she immediately looked around. "So you've checked this whole place?" She asked cautiously. "Mhm," I murmured, almost barely audible. I was afraid to talk, afraid that my voice would betray me and I would say something loud enough for the rooms beside me to hear. "And...you're sure you've double-checked anywhere you think it might be?" Karen repeated.
          I nodded vigorously, more tears beginning to stream down my face. She looked about as nervous as I did at the moment, and her expression appeared as if she was trying to search for another answer out. "You checked all your bags, too?"


"...do you have anything else that it might be in?"

"No. Nothing."

        Karen pursed her lips in thought before pressing them into a thin line. She shook her head slowly after a few minutes and gave me a sincere look. "I-I don't know what else to say."

Well, life has now failed me. I am damned.

        I buckled down into the bed, beginning to cuss, scream, and cry out all the things that came to mind. They were going to find it and my life was over. I don't care if I was overreacting now, because someone would find it and ruin me, just to get paid.
Karen tried her best to comfort me, patting my back soothingly and trying her best to hush me. "Sh...it may be fine, Margot. Who knows? The person, if anyone did, picks it up reads it, how will they be certain it's actually you?"

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