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Margot's POV - 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, February 28th, 2017, Year 1.

    Today was the day. The meeting for Gotham City Sirens. I would get to see him again, that is, if he would even bother to approach me. I had to leave early in the morning to catch a flight to Chicago, where Warner Bros. would have the scheduled meeting. I had to say my goodbye's to my father and Tom over the phone, which one of them went more awkward than planned.
        "So when would you like to meet up again, baby?" Tom asked me hurriedly. He was still shooting his movie, and though post production wasn't far behind, he still seemed to avoid the topic of coming home to Los Angeles more often than not. This comment caught me by surprise, since the usual topic of meeting up faded long ago. The fact that he was trying to suddenly be a kiss-up also caught me by surprise. His rushed voice....his compliments...him calling me "baby" for one...something was off. Yet I didn't have time to invest further in this conversation no more than I had to get to Warner Bros. and get on my flight. "Look, Tom, I honestly don't know. We had a bunch of time to catch up earlier, but now I only can focus on one thing at a time." I told him, not caring how uncaringly rude I may have come off. "Oh..." he trailed.


That's all you can say?

My hand gripped my phone in an iron clasp as I struggled not to stop dead in the middle of airport traffic. My lips were pressed into the thinnest line as I felt one of my eyes twitch. That's all he could say? Oh? Not even bothering to come up with some cheesy excuse to present as a valid reason for not being able to meet up with me? His own wife? I know I sound hypocritical, but despite all the crap that's been happening I have actually tried to do my best to support this marriage. In a weird way. Keeping him safe, for one!
The only sound that was coming through the other end of the line was agitating white noise. I knew he was there, probably waiting for me to go off on him or whatever. So taking note of that, I simply just pressed the big red button saying "end call" and continued my way down to the terminal. Hey, if he wanted to treat it like nothing happened, I can most certainly play that game as well...


The flight arrived on time thankfully, and I was escorted by security to an awaiting taxi to take me to the studios. It was 8:00, and the drive would take only thirty minutes until we reached Warner Bros. I gazed at the building, remembering my first time I met here for Suicide Squad, which I guess I could say I owe this company lots. Not only for giving me Harley Quinn, but for giving me my own Joker as well.
I couldn't imagine what would've happened if Jared never got the role. Tapping my finger against the arm rest, I decided it was best not to necessarily think of the what it's anymore. I couldn't risk venturing in the dark thoughts for too long anymore. Lily had almost destroyed me with it. And she almost succeeded if I stayed too long in the shadows. I'll admit, I have had a drastic change in personality from anxiety for her and Jared, but who wouldn't?
Thankfully, the only anxiety I would have to deal with now is the one centered around regaining Jared's memory, and hopefully trust. He'd already have to undergo many changes for this role again, which I pitied for him. Not to say many mental changes, but physical ones as well. Maybe altering his appearance wouldn't be the best step toward that David could do. That'd be extremely hard on a guy who's struggling to remember his life to suddenly look in the mirror one day and see someone you don't recognize. I knew he wouldn't be dyeing his hair for certain, but the missing eyebrows and change in body fitness would seem a little odd to wake up to if you'd ask me. Or maybe I was just worrying too much for Jared, who knows? Come to think of it, when have I not worried about Jared. Who knew about that either...
When we arrived, the taxi driver who I paid to give my luggage to my hotel staff sped off into the highway, leaving me, my newly budding nostalgia, and worry all alone. I smiled and bit my lip, heading to the doors to the main lobby. The lady upfront smiled at me and had a man escort me to the room the meeting was to be held at. The interior had not changed any, yet the whole air had a different, more welcoming feel to it. I heard mumbles and distinct mutters when I approached the room, noticing David's Make Mexico Great Again hat through the cracked door. When he noticed me, his eyes lit up slightly and he turned on his heels towards me. "Ah, there's my Harley! How's it going?" He asked me. I made note of how refreshed he looked, almost as if he had been dying to make another movie. I wouldn't be surprised though, due to the bad review Suicide Squad got, if he was eager to redeem himself. I fumbled with my still newly re-dyed blonde hair, taking a curl and tugged with it while I spoke. "Well, all I can say is that it's a new day." I replied with a sigh. He nodded understandingly, as if everyone else had presented him with the same answer. He patted me on the back and led me to the giant, onyx round table. I pulled out a chair and sat down first, to which David sat to my left. Just as we sat down, we were joined by two other women, one with coffee brown hair and striking eyes and the other with light strawberry hair perfected with a dazzling smile.

Eva and Bryce. These are going to be hella good Sirens to work with.

       Eva and Bryce were chatting silently amongst themselves, to which I could not help but feel as if they were the cool clique and I was the rejected geek.  I heard Eva speak with a luxurious English accent that made her beauty even more unrealistically out of time. Bryce had the same affect even if she was American...only with a mysterious, elven-like aura surrounding her which fit Ivy perfectly. They seemed to naturally get along in their conversation, something I now craved to be a part of.
       But before I got the chance to introduce myself, a familiar, happy voice boomed throughout the room. "Where's my Margot at?!" Will rang while his sunshine demeanor filled the room. He wore a typical suit and tie with his hair shaved off for Deadshot. Despite his inappropriate outburst, here over at D.C. no one cared. I hopped out of my chair and ran to greet him. He gave me the biggest bear-hug a Smith could ever give, and it was nice to see him after some time. He laughed and let me go to give David a hug as well. I couldn't help but beam at the sight of old memories being brought to life again.
       Following Will was Karen, whose hair had been freshly cut again for Katana, who gave me a big hug like Will. "Margot, it's so good to see you!" She exclaimed. "It's good to see you, too!" I told her. She pulled away and her face was suddenly serious. "How's Jared?"

Damnit, I knew she was going to ask that...

"I...uh...don't really know. We haven't spoken."

"That's surprising, knowing you two, I thought you'd be the first to call. Or at least second."

       I shrugged, trying to conceal my hurt from all the times I did try to call yet none of them he responded too. "We'll see him again today, anyways. I'll see then." I responded, putting on an assuring smile. We both walked back to our seats as the meeting was close to starting. After she sat down beside me, Karen pressed her lips in a thin line and her eyes held enormous comfort. "I know it hurt you Margot. I can't imagine how it must've felt finding out."

You can't imagine-

     Just then, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of distant chatter in the hallways. Two bodyguards dressed in black entered first and stood at the ends of the corners in the room. Not long after did Shannon Leto, dressed in Jared's Snoopy t-shirt and ripped jeans, enter alongside an all too familiar face whose icy blue eyes met mine in an instant.


THE BAND IS GETTING BACK TOGETHER GUYS!! Sorry I haven't wrote the official Jargot meet up yet, but obviously next chapter will be some interaction, so stay tuned! I also apologize for telling people the chapter would be up sooner. It would have if I hadn't been so unexpectedly busy. But I hope you all don't hold grudges...hopefully. Anyways, thanks for reading!!!!!

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