Chapter 1

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Intro: My name is Regina Smith I live with my mom and dad my dad name is Drake an yes the rapper am 17 years old my bday is April 28 am 5'2 and my mom name is Aaliyah Smith and I am a sophomore and a cheerleader. And my friends call Lulu for short.

Aaliyah: Regina get up your going to be late for school.

Regina Pov
I got up went up take a shower then I got the shower brush my teeth put on my out in the *media* then I went downstairs and eat my breakfast and kiss my mom and dad goodbye and I got my black Lexus and drive to Alex house.

Alexandra Pov
I woke up and I went in my bathroom took a shower then leave my hair wet an curly and I put on this black tank top with my blue jean jacket then I went downstairs eat the breakfast that my mom left for us and I saw I had a text from Lulu so I head outside and got in the car.

Intro: My name is Alexandra Alsina am 17 years old my bday is September 3 and I am head cheerleader of the school cheerleading squad and I live with my mom Mia Alsina and my twin August Alsina yes the singer and am 5'2 and I am a sophomore.

A/N You guys was on your way to school when Alex ask you about your 18 birthday bash that you having this Saturday.

Alex: So Lulu when is you going to stop dressing like a nerd and acting like one?
Lulu: I am not acting this is just who I am okay.
Alex: Whatever. When is going to share out invitations for your 18 birthday bash?
Lulu: Friday at the pep rally.
Alex: Okay.

A/N So you guys pull up at school you see your home girl Kesha and she ask you about her invitation for your party.

Lulu: I am working on last 15 cards and y'all will get then Friday at the pep rally but anyway am heading to class.
Alex: You always going to class early.

🔔Bell Ring🔔
A/N so you was heading to class when you got there you sit to the back of the class room as always.

Mr. Jones: Who know the answer to this question?
A/N: You raise your hand and Mr. Jones pick you and start answering the question.
Regina: The question say that Kyle will fill the candle mold with liquid candle wax. Find the mold. So you time 3x3x11 which will give you 99in3.
Mr. Jones: That is correct.

A/N You was doing the class work Mr. Jones give you then the class room door open and August walk in.
Mr. Jones: Nice to have you Mr. Alsina.
August: Yeah whatever.

Intro: My name is August Alsina am 17 years old I love to sing and I am the captain of the boys basketball team and I am a ladies man an I have sister and her name is Alexandra oh am single and my bday is September 3 and I am a sophomore.

A/N So the bell ring for you guys to lunch put your stuff in your locker and went and meet up with Alex and Kesha so you guys could get lunch cause you guys don't eat school lunch.

Alex: What y'all want to eat.
Kesha&Lulu: Mac Donald's
Alex: Okay.

A/N So y'all went to Mac Donald's and got y'all food then y'all head back to school park in the parking lot and eat then the bell ring for your last class of the day so went to chorus and Alex & Kesha went to English 10.

Mrs. Simmons: Welcome close settle down. You guys house a project that you will be performing for the class so your partners is on the board on the black board. It's due April 30.

August: Who is Regina Smith?
A/N: You raise your hand and August make his way toward you.

August: Hey my my name is August.
Regina: My name is Regina *lowly*.
August: Hey how about I come over to your house so we can work on the beat.
Regina: Okay *lowly*
August: Here is my number can I have yours.

A/N: You give him your number and the bell ring and you put everything in your locker and went to the gym where you guys practice and you tell Alex that you can't make practice today cause you have to go dress shopping. She said okay.

At Home
Drake: Baby she is her and are you ready to go.?
Aaliyah: Yeah honey am ready to go.
Drake: Let's go.

A/N So you guys head to the mall where you was trying on this royal red dress then you try on your second dress which was royal blue then you went to Claire's where you got this really cute ear rings then you got gold bracelet and cute necklace.

Drake: Lulu are you hungry?
Lulu: Yes daddy.
Drake: What do you want to eat.
Lulu: Chipotle.
Drake: Okay.

A/N You got your food and you got a text from August saying he can't make it you text back saying it's okay head home and went and eat your then went upstairs to your big ass room and then you went to take a shower and after that you put on your Nicki Minaj pj's.

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