Chapter 2

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Regina Pov
I woke went in my big ass bathroom and bath with paris body wash then I put on my star wars t-shirt with my light blue shorts then I put on my black beanie and my glasses and my black converse and text Alex.

NerdyBestfran: Alex do you need me to pick you up today?
ThatBish: Nah August dropping me to school.
NerdyBestfran: Okay, see you at school.

A/N After you finish textin Alex you made your way to Starbucks to get yourself and ice coffee and made your way to school when you saw your two besties in the world.

Kesha: Hey girl.
Lulu: Wassup.
Alex: Why don't you talk like this in class?
Lulu: Cause am shy but when am around you guys am not.
Kesha: Okay.

🔔Bell Ring🔔
A/N The bell rings and you head to gym cause is the class you had today with Alex.

Coach S: Today you guys have a free day so do whatever you want.
A/N: After Coach S told you guys can have a free day you and Alex sit down and start talking.

Alex: How did dress shopping go with your mom and dad?
Lulu: It went well.
Alex: So will I know what type of dresses you got?
Lulu: Yeah at the party.
Alex: Whatever, you ready for the pep rally tomorrow.?
Lulu: Hell yeah cause for once I don't have a nerd.
Alex: True, but did your dad get the 3 people you want to perform at your birthday bash.?
Lulu: Yeah, and if your brother coming.?
Alex: Yes, and if you like my brother why don't you just ask him out.?
Lulu: You know I can't do that cause am shy.
Alex: Don't worry after your party you won't be shy nerdy girl anymore.
Lulu: Okay.

A/N So the bell ring for you guys to go to lunch and you and the guys went to Burger King and got you guys food and head back to school and sits in Alex car and eat y'all food and talk about boys and your party and the pep rally then the bell ring head to English 10 and you had that class with August.

Mrs. Honors: Somebody can give me a synonym for party.
Lulu: Gathering *lowly*
Mrs. Honors: That is one of them but here is your class work.
A/N: Mrs. Honors give you guys your work and you was doing it then you finish with in 15 mins and you turn it in then someone cough nerd but you didn't mind them then you went to sit down and look for beats on YouTube for your chorus project then bell ring and you went to your house went upstairs and took a shower and put on your nicki minaj pj's then you call Kesha.

Phone Call
Kesha: So did you tell August you like him?
Lulu: No why you asking.?
Kesha: Cause you had a crush oh him since freshman year.
Lulu: I know but that don't mean he likes me.
Kesha: You never know until you tell him how you feel.
Lulu: I will tell him soon but am going to sleep cause we have a pep rally tomorrow.
End Of Phone Call

A/N You went to sleep listening to Diggy Simmons All Day.

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