Chapter 6

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Regina Pov
I woke up and went into my shower and bath with my Victoria Secret blooms body wash then I got out and put in my contact then let her down with it being curly then put on her eye liner and blush and black lipstick then went in closet and put on my dodger button up shirt then my black tights and black and white Jordan retros then I unplug my phone and went downstairs and cook me some breakfast and after eating I got in my pink and black mustang I got for my 18 birthday then left to pull up to school with my new look.

At School

Regina Pov
I pull up to school and got out and made my way to my bestfrans and her boyfriend and brother when I see everyone looking me and people calling me names I just brush it off and went to my friends.

Alex: Damn bish now am mad you look fine asf (as fuck) now.
Lulu: Awe thanks boo.
Kesha: Damn for a nerd you got swag knowing we help your ass.
Lulu: Lol whatever.
August: Hey Regina.
Lulu: Wassup August.
A/N: You there talking to Alex, Kesha, Chris, Trey, & August when Daniel came up to you saying hey and he got all your class then you was like cool and went to your locker to get your work for geometry and left with Diggy and went to class.

Daniel Thoughts
Damn did Regina look fine today like I will fuck the shit out of her but I really like her nerdy way cause she look so damn cute but today I see she got a new look but I can't wait for tonight cause I am going to make her mines.

A/N So you got to Mr. Jones class when he said get in a group of 3s and went you get in your group it was you Daniel and August and when you was in the group Mr. Jones said that you that you guys are doing a group game so while you guys doing the game Diggy rubbing your tights and you keep slapping it way then the bell ring for you guys to go to lunch and you meet up with Alex & Kesha and went to the mall to get some chinese food then y'all do what y'all always do when you get your lunch.

Alex: So who you going on a date with today?
Kesha: Let me guess August?
Lulu: No me an August went on a date yesterday. It's me an Diggy.
Alex: Wait that who you had a date with yesterday?
Lulu: Yes Alex an sorry I didn't tell you guys.
Kesha: So did August ask you out yesterday?
Lulu: No he ask me to be his bestfran.
Alex: Wtf (what the fuck)  is wrong with him your a fine ass girl. If I was bi I would have been cuffed you.
Lulu: It's okay am happy we bestfrans.
Kesha: Don't worry you never know if Diggy going to ask you out tonight.

A/N You told the girls you going to class and you throw away your trash when you bump into this pretty light skin girl that was hella thick in the right place you told her sorry and she was like it's okay and she was like do know where science class at?. You was like can I see your schedule and you look at an said you have all my class and you was like I will take you there.

Regina: So are you new here?
???: Yeah, I move here couple weeks ago.
Regina: Oh but what is your name.
???: It's Tanayri Viera
Regina: Tanayri how would you like to be my fake sister?
Tanayri: Yeah

Intro: My real name Tanayri Viera my bday nov 29 I'm 5'2 I'm Puerto Rican blue and I have a good boring and fun personality and 16 and am a sophomore and I am single and I live with my mom and dad.

A/N So you and Tanayri is fake sisters now and you guys make your way to class where you had Trey, Chris, Kesha, August, & Alex then you sit down by them and tell them this is your fake sister Tanayri Viera they all say hey.

Trey: Hey Tanayri your fine asf.
Tanayri: Thanks *blushing*
Kesha: She don't want your short dick ass Trey.
Trey: Don't be mad your ugly ass still single.
Kesha: Fuck you Trey.
Alex: Both of you guys shut the fuck up.

A/N So you guys was talking the hold class period then the bell ring and you told everyone goodbye and you head home until August textin you do you have your lyrics for the beat you told him yeah and you ask him for his he said he only had four lines left you told him okay we go over it tomorrow and you head home went upstairs and lay down for 5 mins.

Diggy Pov
I just home from school and wash up and throw on some gym short then my manager calling me that this May 21 first I have to start working on a new album so I told okay and look at my phone and it was 7:30 so I text my future bae and told her to get ready am coming in 15 mins then I went upstairs and change and got in my car and pull up to Regina house btw she give me the address to her house at school then she came out wearing this short ass dress up to her tighs then when she got in the car I told her she hella sexy and she said thanks an pull up to the movies where are first date is at and went to see Before The Bought Breaks then after the movie I ask her to be my girl and she say yes and I kiss her and drop her home and went home.

Happy New Years Wattpad Lovers And Wish You All The Best In 2017 Love Y'all Vote & Comment

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