Chapter 29

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Regina Pov
Ever since me and August did it yesterday I been feeling good and happy but since Kesha is out of town with her bae for the summer break I plan that me August, Chris, and Alex would all hit up the club tonight but I went and took a shower and brush my teeth and made breakfast and tell August that breakfast was ready then my laptop told me someone was calling me on Skype so I answer it and it was Diggy.

Skype Video Chat
Diggy: Hey beautiful why haven't you text me or answer any of my calls?
Lulu: Did you forget we broke up and you cheat.?
Diggy: I am sorry I never meant to cheat on you please forgive me.
Lulu: I can't.
Diggy: Why is that?

A/N August ask you babe where is his breakfast and his good morning kiss and then he saw you was on Skype talking to Diggy.

Diggy: Why the hell is he in are house?
Lulu: You mean my house where I pay bills and everything else.
Diggy: Wait when did you guys went out.
Lulu: Yesterday after are amazing date.

A/N Diggy hang up and you didn't care cause you guys is no longer a couple so you went ahead and kiss August and told him that you was going to text Alex and he said okay.

Text Messages
Lulu: Hey bish what you doing.?
Alex: Nothing much just at home chillin with bae.
Lulu: Awe aren't you guys the cutest.
Alex: So how is you and Daniel?
Lulu: We broke up couple weeks ago and I am seeing somebody else.
Alex: What happen what he did for you guys to break up?
Lulu: He call me and I hear moaning and groaning on the phone then I call him he didn't pick and when I did call him I hear a girl background so I text him and told him we over.
Alex: Wait till I see his ass am beating it till I see blood.
Lulu: Don't am over him am seeing someone else.
Alex: Who is it?
Lulu: It's your brother August.
Alex: I had a feeling you two will go out sooner or later but, y'all cute.
Lulu: Anyways what you doing tonight?
Alex: Nothing just chillin at home.
Lulu: Do you want to hit up a club tonight?
Alex: Hell yeah and can I bring Tanayri and Trey?.
Lulu: I almost forgot about them yeah they come I met you guys at the club at 9 tonight okay.

A/N So after texting the girls you told August that you and the gang is going to the club tonight he was like okay what time and you said 9 and you guys chill and watch TV until it's time to go to the club.

Tanayri Pov
Hey guys I miss you and I am so happy I get my own pov again but here is about how I been doing. Well me and Trey was home chillin watching TV when I got a text from Alex saying that August, Chris, and Regina is going to a club tonight I told her yeah am coming then ask what time she said 9 and she told me that Lulu and August going to met us there and I was like okay. So after texting Alex I wanted to check on my bestie so I text her.

Text Messages
TT: Hey girl it's been a long time what is up?.
Lulu: Nothing much just ready for tonight so I can turn up.
TT: So Lulu what is up with you and Daniel?
Lulu: We broke up cause he cheated on me but am dating August now and I am happy.
TT: Well I am happy for you but why would he do that to you?
Lulu: I don't know but I talk to you at the club tonight cause I am tried.
TT: Okay.

A/N So you finish text Regina and then you and Trey was watching TV until he said bae what we doing tonight I told him going out with the gang he was like okay and went back to cuddling and watching TV.

Well wattpad lovers the next chapter is where the gang is at the club and getting ready and it also the rated r part so read if you dear.

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