Chapter 3

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A few minutes later Yuri got a text from Yuuri that he assumed was from Viktor, saying, "Yuri, do you think that you might have a crush on Otabek? Are you questioning your sexuality? Have you had a crush before? How did you not know what it felt like to have a crush Yuri!'

Yuri took three deep breaths. Lilia had gotten sick of him ruining all of the fancy trinkets in his rages, and therefore had taken it upon herself to teach Yuri some breathing techniques for when he was angry. "Screw it" Yuri said after his third breath, and started kicking his dresser with all his might. After throwing a few books as well, Yuri felt a lot more calm, and decided that he should at least respond to Viktor's annoying text.

"Well, I thought I might, seeing how everyone at the rink today seemed to think that I did, but after Yuuri helped clear up the matter on what it felt like to have a crush, I have come to the conclusion that I do not have a crush on him. Well, I've never had the time to question my sexuality before and I don't see the merit of questioning it now, so no. And it's none of your damn business so leave me alone." Yuri texted, trying to be polite but giving up on it towards the end. He really had had a long day.

He went back to Neko Atsume. That beautiful game always calmed him down, and those precious, adorable balls of fluff needed to be taken care of. However, it was not long before he got another text allegedly from Yuuri, though more probably from Viktor. Yuri contemplated just ignoring it, as he often did when he was fed up with other people's shit, but curiosity got the better of him.

The text ended up reading, "Well, sometimes it's nice to understand other parts of yourself, not just the part of you that skates, so maybe take some time to question your sexuality. It's kinda nice to understand your identity. However, if you don't want to, or don't think it's important for you to, or just don't want to put yourself in a box, that's cool as well! -Yuuri"

'Good,' Yuri thought, 'At least they're telling me who I'm talking to now!'

Almost immediately after he got another text, "Of course it's my damn business whether or not you've had a crush before. As a fellow competitor, I want you to do well, and you don't skate your best when there's something on your mind. You also hate not knowing what's going on. You flew all the way out to Japan just to see whether I was actually Yuuri's coach or not, for heaven's sake. I know you well enough to know that you hate not knowing something, which is probably why you texted Yuuri in the first place about what it's like to have a crush. So, as someone who wants to compete with you as you, not as distracted you, it is my business -Viktor"

Yuri couldn't believe what was happening. He was never this open with people. It didn't make any sense to him. Why trust people when they could use what you tell them to later stab you in the back. Why give somebody a weapon when it's much safer to leave them unarmed. Sure, they might use said weapon to protect you, but it was much more likely that they would use the weapon against Yuri, especially when you're competitors. He had to stop doing this. Yuri then threw his phone against the wall, deciding that it would be pointless to text back and they would just try to pry him open more.

His phone buzzed again. 'Ugh,' thought Yuri, 'Already something else to interrogate me about??'

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