Chapter 20

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The rest of the wedding goes by smoothly. Phichit is Yuuri's best man, and his speech is corny as fuck, but suits him, and brings both himself and Yuuri to tears. Yuri is slightly amused that instead of champagne or anything being served, it's apple juice, because Yuuri refused to have any form of alcohol at the wedding, for obvious reasons. The first dance of the night is just Yuuri and Viktor dancing to Stay Close To Me that was arranged for dancing rather than skating. After that there are more pop songs, with a couple of slow songs, as well as every song that Yuuri and Viktor have ever skated to in competition.

He, like most others, had decided to spend a couple of days in Barcelona after the wedding to get a chance to see the beautiful sights of the city. Yuri was glad to have this opportunity, for the last time he was here he was too anxious about his senior debut to properly enjoy the limited amounts of the city. The next day, Yuri ate breakfast with Otabek at the hotel, and once they had finished, Otabek said, "Follow me."

"Why," Yuri replied, immediately warry.

"It's a surprise."

"Okay fine."

"Oh, and since it's going to be a surprise, you have to wear this," Otabek said, whipping out a blindfold.

"No. I'm not doing this, I'm out," Yuri protested but Otabek was already covering Yuri's eyes with the piece of fabric.

"You already agreed,' Otabek pointed out and lead him out of the hotel, and onto his motorcycle.

Once Yuri heard the engine hum to a start he crankily muttered, "You better tell me where the fuck you're taking me."

"But it's a surprise."

"I hate surprises.'

"Well you'll like this one." Otabek said, and Yuri protested no more. For one, it was too loud to properly say anything and hope to be heard without shouting, and as well as that, Yuri figured that he didn't have any chance at winning the argument, so he gave up, figuring that there wasn't any point of trying anymore.

Just as Yuri began to get used to the feeling of movement without being able to see where he was going, the motorcycle halted to a stop. Yuri felt himself lead off of the bike, and Otabek said, "ou can take the blindfold off now."

It was incredibly bright when Yuri first took the blindfold off, but as his eyes adjusted to the returned light, he realized just exactly where it was that they were. He honestly should have predicted it sooner. "Wow..." Yuri said so softly it was almost a whisper, "This is where we first became friends, right?"

"Yeah," Otabek replied just as quietly.

They just stood there, looking out at the city, admiring the way the early morning sunlight glistened against anything that was metal. The wind blew through their hair and there was a relaxing atmosphere surrounding them, and yet, Yuri felt like there were words that needed to be said to fill in the silence but he couldn't quite figure out what would be the best way to describe what he felt.

"Hey Beka, I love you," he heard himself say. Apparently, his mouth knew what to say even if his brain didn't, going ahead and saying that funny word without his brain's consent. 

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