Chapter 13

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Over the next couple of days they went sightseeing together, they ate at amazing restaurants, and they played a lot of video games together. Neither of them ever got bored of the other's company, both dismayed when it grew late and Otabek had to return to his hotel for the night.

On Wednesday, halfway through Otabek's stay, they played a lot of Mario Kart, which they had played together earlier in the week and decided was their favorite. It got to be ridiculously competitive and aggressive, for although Otabek was not typically an aggressive person, Yuri was definitely bringing out that side of him when they were playing Mario Kart. Plus, Yuri found it immensely entertaining watching this calm, level headed person be reduced into a swearing mess whenever he lost.

After that Yuri decided that it was high time to show Otabek the Grand Palace.

"Wow..." said Otabek once they reached the stunning site.

"I know... I think this is my favorite place in St Petersburg, besides the ice rink. I first came here when my Grandfather took me for my fifth birthday. I've made a point to come back here fairly regularly ever since. Every time it feels like I notice something different about this place," Yuri said with a far away look in his eyes.

Otabek noticed that every time Yuri talked about his Grandfather, his eyes twinkled. That man must be really special to Yuri. "It really is amazing," Otabek agreed, not feeling like his words really captured the spectacular sight that was before his eyes.

They roamed around the grounds, grabbed some dinner from a nearby cafe, and were about to head back to Yuri's home for another intense round of Mario Kart when Yuri turned to him and said, "Follow me."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see once we get there..."

Otabek was about to protest, for he hated being kept in the dark, but then he noticed how excited Yuri looked, and decided that it would be better just to see where Yuri ended up taking him. He was, after all, a very curious person.

"Everybody should have gone home by now," Yuri said, "Or at least I hope that everybody's gone home."

"What are you talking about?"

"You'll see, we're almost there anyways, have patience!"

"Me? Have patience? Look who's talking..."

"Shut up."

"Wait are we at the ice rink?" Otabek asked as he was being ushered through the doors of a massive building.

"Why yes, we are. We can at least try to keep in shape while on our break."

Otabek's face broke out into a grin, but then faltered when he realized that he didn't anything to skate in. Yuri, noticing his smile fall, and guessing the reason why, said, "Oh don't worry about not having ice skates, there's plenty of skates to rent. I mean, they're not the best, but they'll do for now."

Otabek found skates in the right size and joined Yuri on the ice. "Ice skates are amazing aren't they?" Yuri said.

"I mean they are, but why do you say that?"

"They're like shoes that somebody attached knives to. They're shoes that double as weapons!"

"I don't know whether I should laugh at that or run away from you..."

"Probably both."

They continued skating for a long time, just roaming around the ice, conversing with one another. It was getting pretty late so they were about to head off the ice when Otabek turned to him and said, "Thanks for such a wonderful day, love." But immediately regretted this statement when he noticed the alarmed expression spread across Yuri's face.

'Love???' Yuri thought, his mind thinking a million things at once, 'There's that stupid, funny, confusing word again. I want to obliterate the word for love from every language! Fuckfuckfuckfuck what do I do!!!! This doesn't make any sense??? Does Otabek like me in a romantic way??? How do I handle this!?' And despite all of the thoughts in his mind, none of said thoughts seemed to hold any answers as to what he should do, or even what he could do, and not seeing a better option, he ran away.

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