Chapter 39

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The scores had been announced and Yuri could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. Sure, he wasn't surprised that this had happened. His short program had been absolute shit, and his free skate wasn't top notch either. He just wasn't used to failure. That's not to say that he always won gold, or anything like that. But ever since he entered the senior division, he had at least been on the podium. It felt odd, actually, being in the audience instead of on the ice wit a medal slung around his neck. And he probably wasn't just upset because he got fifth place. Not even fourth, but fifth fucking place. But also because the reality that he would never see his grandfather alive again was slowly sinking in again.

Nonetheless, Yuri was clapping loudly and enthusiastically, for Otabek had just won second. Yuri also wasn't surprised by this. Otabek had been fantastic, and they had often shared the podium, though it was always a bit of a toss up as to who won. Yuri wasn't upset or anything childish like that that Otabek had placed and he hadn't, rather he was quite happy for Otabek, because he really deserved this, though Yuri thought that he deserved gold more than he deserved silver.

The way back to the hotel consisted of Lilia lecturing him on how he was to keep his chin up, and that he would be going to the banquet, no matter how much he might complain, because he must show his grace and not be a sore loser of any sorts. Yakov, on the other hand, spent the time trying to stop Lilia's lecture to tell Yuri that he was sure that Yuri would do better next season, until Lilia and Yakov were both talking over each other and it dissolved into the usual bickering. Yuri couldn't help but wonder how these two had ever managed to date each other without murdering the other, but the he remembered how passionate and dedicated they each are to their work, and how much they value effort and determination and obedience, and Yuri had to admit that it sort of made sense.

Once Yuri was in his hotel room he collapsed. He hadn't gotten any sleep the previous night, and the day had been mentally and physically draining. As soon as he fell onto his bed, he was asleep.

Yuri didn't know how long he was asleep, but he woke up with a start when he heard knocking. He assumed that it was Yakov or Lilia coming to collect him for the banquet, an ordeal that he was not looking forward to, but was pleasantly surprised when he opened the door to see Otabek instead.

"Otabek? What are you doing here?"

Instead of answering Yuri's question, Otabek replied with, "You don't want to go to the banquet, do you?"

"Of course not. Why the hell would I want to go to that stupid thing. Unfortunately, Lilia has already made it quite clear that I will be going even if she has to drag me there herself."

"So let's go."


"It's an hour and a half before the banquet. Either Yakov or Lilia will be here to get you soon enough, so let's go before they come."

"Go where?"

"Anywhere, just not the banquet. If you're not in your room, they won't be able to find you and you won't have to go to the banquet."

The realization of what Otabek meant suddenly dawned on Yuri and he said, "That's an amazing idea. I agree, let's go. Congratulations on your silver, by the way. Your performance was amazing. But those judges's eyes must have something wrong with them, because anybody with properly functioning eyes could tell that you deserved gold."

"You mean, you're not mad?"

"Of course I'm not mad. I'm upset with myself, sure, but I'm really happy for you!"

"Oh, okay, thank you."

"Yup, now let's go before Yakov and Lilia get here and murder me for trying to sneak out."

They rode around the city for a little bit until they found a quaint looking cafe and decided to have dinner there.

"Hey, won't your coaches be mad that you skipped the banquet?" Yuri asked after his phone rang from Yakov calling him for the fifth time in a row.

"Eh, they don't really care. It's not like I would talk to anybody if I were at the banquet. They're well aware of how socially inept I am, so they usually allow me to skip it."

"I guess that makes sense. Lilia always forces me to go because I am supposed to be graceful and hold my poise and be prim and proper and shit. Trust me, you're not missing out on anything by not going."

They continued quietly chatting and eating their food, and before they knew it, the cafe was closing for the night. They drove around the city, Otabek having to drag Yuri away from a closed store with a pair of tiger print patterned ice skates in the display. When they made their way back to the hotel, Otabek turned to Yuri as they were walking in and said, "Um, it's almost christmas time now, and I was maybe wondering if you would you maybe like to spend Christmas with my family?"

"What?" Yuri asked, surprised.

"If you don't want to, that's okay, I just thought that I'd offer..." Otabek said nervously.

"No, no, I was just surprised that you had said that! I'd love to spend Christmas with you," Yuri said and hugged Otabek tightly, saying, "Thank you so much Beka."

"You're welcome Yura," Otabek responded, and when they pulled away he said, "Yura, are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I just really appreciate how you've been here for me with everything going on with my grandfather... And now you're inviting me to spend christmas with you and your family? I'm so grateful, and I really don't deserve to have a friend like you..."

"Of course you do, now goodnight Yura, good luck with Yakov and Lilia."

"Thanks, I love you Beka."

"I love you too." Otabek said and Yuri walked away to his hotel room. Sure, Yakov and Lilia were going to murder him tomorrow, but for right now at least, everything seemed like it was going to be alright. 

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