Chapter 6

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The next day at the rink Yuri was struggling. His head was swirling with confusion. Half finished thoughts that he could not find the endings to, questions that would come up just as he was about to attempt to land a jump. Yuri figured that it was probably because he had gone to bed at 12, and had had to wake up at 5, because a certain coach had decided that early morning runs were the best way to improve one's health. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He could always complete the landings, it was Yuuri that struggled with falling over. But now Yuri had fallen on his fifth consecutive jump, and could feel the bruises starting to form across his legs already. Viktor was right, he really couldn't stand not knowing.

"Hey, is everything okay? Is this about yesterday? I can tell everyone to try and leave you alone about this if you want," Yuuri said as he skated over to the younger, angrier one.

"Everything's fine, I'm just tired, leave me alone!!!!" Yuri told him, trying to refrain from yelling.

"Everything is certainly not fine. You always land your jumps! What's with you today, are you sick?"

"No, I just couldn't fall asleep and I had to wake up at 5 fucking am so leave me alone!"

Seeing that he wasn't going to get anywhere, Yuuri skated over to Viktor, expressing his concerns, who went back over to Yuri.

"Great, another person to pester me," Yuri muttered. He had been so happy last night, but now everyone couldn't leave him alone and he also couldn't concentrate and couldn't skate so that happiness had left so suddenly it felt like it had never truly been there in the first place.

"Yuri was there any reason you were up so late?" Viktor inquired.

"Like I told Yuri, I just couldn't fall asleep. Now go away," said Yuri with a tone of finality.

"Okay," Viktor said, spotting Yakov across the ice and gliding over to him and talking to him rapidly, then Yakov made his way over to Yuri.

"Yuri, go home!" Yakov said harshly.

"What?" Yuri said, quite confused at the request.

"You're tired and can't land your jumps. Tired athletes injure themselves. Go home and rest, I expect you at practice after lunch. Try to get more sleep, I will be quite disappointed in you if I find out that you stayed up that late on purpose."

"Okay, I'll see you in a few hours." Yuri said before taking off his skates and returning home, grateful that Viktor had talked to Yakov. Now he would have time to get a few more hours of sleep and maybe find a way to quiet the voices in his head.

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