Perks of a knight ||Horace x Reader||

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This takes place around the time a little before Erak's Ransom.


(f/f) = Favorite food

(f/n) = Father's name

(m/n) = Mother's Name


Horace sighed. Being a knight is extremely difficult, he though. He suddenly remembered his old fantasies about being a knight when he was a ward at Castle Redmont. He had a vague idea of glittering swords and armour, praises left and right from villagers and being surrounded by awed people, cheering for him as he passed the streets. Haha, now all I'm surrounded with is Paperwork.... Suddenly, his stomach grumbled. He looked outside and saw that the sun was directly above the castle. "Finally, time for lunch!!" He cheered. He gathered his papers and reports into a pile and headed for the Dining Hall, remembering that he promised Cassandra that he would eat with her in the Courtyard. He grabbed a plate off a nearby stack and began filling up his plate with (f/f) when he bumped into someone. He managed to catch his food and the person's, which was also filled with (f/f).

"Oh, I'm so sorry; I was not looking where I was going..." He muttered.

He turned back to the person and his eyes almost fell out of their sockets. The girl he bumped into was gorgeous! There was no other word for it. She had beautiful (h/c) hair that was (h/l). Her eyes were the perfect shade of (e/c). She also looked like she could whip someone's ass in a fight. God damn.

"" He stuttered.

You laughed. "Sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going. My name is (y/n) (l/n). And you are....?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I' Horace Altman. Nice to meet you." He replied, gaining a little confidence.

You chuckled. "Thank you for catching my plate." Horace smiled sheepishly, handing over your plate. "You're welcome. I haven't seen you around here before, though."

You smiled slightly. "I am just visiting. My parents are (f/n) and (m/n). They are Ambassadors from (INSERT RANDOM KINGDOM HERE). I believe they are discussing a matter with King Duncan regarding an alliance between our Kingdoms. I just decided to tag along." You replied, getting a little bit more food as you talked.

"Oh... That explains it. Nice meeting you. But if you excuse me, I must go meet with Princess Cassandra. I promised to eat with her." Horace said, smiling slightly.

"Very well. Hopefully I will see you again!" You smiled brightly at him, making his heart flutter. You leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you again." You smiled and walked towards a nearby clear table. Horace touches his cheek, grinning as he walked towards the Courtyard. Yup, sometimes being a knight did have its perks.


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