Mine ||Gilan x Reader|| ~good enough pt 2~

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lots of you guys wanted this, so here's a continuation of Good Enough, Gilan x Reader (the 9th short story in this book 😊)
btw, new thingie in this fic, (e/n) = Ex's Name

Gilan ran after you, leaving the pouting girls behind. He had to find you, he had to apologize. He hadn't meant for it to go this far...he just thought that if he got you jealous, you would maybe....he let out a sigh, running in the direction where he thought he saw you run to.

"(Y/N)!! Sweetheart, where are you?" Gilan called out, getting desperate after almost an hour of searching for you. Where could you be? He was getting worried, terrified that something happened. Yep, he admitted it, he was terrified beyond his wits. If you got in trouble, or if you got hurt...dear god it would be his fault.

Maybe you left him...maybe you went and ran back to (e/n)...
Maybe you were injured, unable to call for help...
Maybe you hated him...and never wanted to speak to him ever again.

The last thought scared him but...he knew how you were. He knew your insecurities. Why, why did he do this stupid thing?! If he hadn't done this, you two would have been happily walking around the marketplace, his arm around your shoulders, and the biggest smile on your face. But here he was...still searching. It was getting late, the sun was setting, and he could barely see anything due to the shadows. He could search the whole night if he needed to, just to get you back at his side.

You ran out to the woods, not caring where you were going, only that you had to get away. Away from him. You loved Gilan, with all your heart, he made you feel so happy, so loved. But yet, why? Why didn't he push those girls away? Were you..were you not good enough for him? You wiped a tear from your eyes as you emerged in a clearing, near a cliff. You sat down on a rock, near the far drop to the water below. Gilan...why? Gilan knew that you had insecurities, Gilan knew that you always doubted yourself. Why would he do this?! You sighed softly, your (h/c) hair swirling in the cool breeze. This was peaceful. The view of the setting sun soothed your panicked nerves. Suddenly, you felt a sense of dread.

You felt something was going to happen, but you didn't know what. You tensed, fingering the small knife in your pocket that Gilan gave you to protect yourself. You felt a rough, hand take hold of your hair and then a soft cloth come over your nose, you tried to avoid breathing in, but alas, you had to. Within moments of you breathing in the sweet smell, everything went black.

"(Y/N)! God, where are you!?" Gilan cried out in desperation, his voice hoarse from yelling. It was already dark, the stars starting to come out and the moon peeked over the edge of the trees. He leaned against a tree, attempting to catch his breath. At this point, he was exhausted, drained of all energy, but he had to keep going, for you.

Hanging his head, he brushed his hair out of his eyes, scanning the area around him. Trees. And more trees. Awesome. Suddenly, his ears picked out the sounds of struggling, somewhere to his right. Drawing his sword silently, he creeped in the shadows towards the noise.

After a few seconds, he found himself in a small clearing, a fire evident in the middle. And there, he could see a man, standing over a curled up figure tied to a tree. Without a second thought, he crept up behind the man as he put up the hood of his cloak, studying the situation.

The man was smirking, the light of the fire showing his face. He had his hand on the female figure, holding up her chin with one hand, and pinning her up against the tree with the other as she struggled. Gilan felt his heart skip a beat, anger and adrenaline filling up his veins.

(Y/N). His (Y/N).

Without a second thought, he smacked the man on the head with the hilt of his sword, making the man stumble and drop you against the tree. The man rolled his eyes, and unsheathed his own sword, sparkling in the moonlight. As Gilan and the unknown man fought, Gilan caught your eyes, looking at him in adoration and surprise. He gave you a small smile, and proceeded to hit the man on the head with the flat of his sword, knocking him onto the ground and into unconsciousness. Gilan pulled out some rope from his bag, tying his hands together behind him, and breaking the man's sword against a couple of rocks. He avoided looking at you for this time, feeling guilty and disappointed in himself for letting this happen to you. As he turned his back to you, kneeling on the ground and dousing the fire, you walked up to him, silently.

Gilan was silently chiding himself for  getting you into this in the first place, and was encouraging himself to turn around and apologize to you, to try to explain and make it up to you. Before he could even move from his position kneeling on the ground, you put your arms around his waist, pressing your face into his back. Gilan froze, his mind racing. After a few seconds, he slowly turned around, returning the hug tightly. He breathed into your hair, relaxing into your touch. He pulled away a bit, studying your face. You had a couple scratches from your attempted struggling, but nothing too much. You smiled shyly under his gaze, his eyes sparkling.

"Let's go home, love." Gilan said softly, smiling at you and holding out his hand. You took it, squeezing a little bit. As he lead you back to the village, he stopped, near the edge of the forest. He looked at you, smiling gently.

He took your chin between his index and thumb, tilting your head up to look at him. You blushed under his gaze, smiling a little. He tucked a small lock of your hair behind your ear, smirking as you got redder.

"Quérote, (y/n)."

Quérote = I love you (Galician)

holy twatwaffles it's been a while, damn.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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