Bandage ||Horace x healer! Reader||

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You sighed softly, wrapping a linen bandage around another knight's arm. You were a healer in the king's army, one of the best, according to His Majesty anyway. You smiled a little as the knight got up, thanked you with a smile, and left the tent, heading back to the army lines. King Duncan and his army were at war with Morgarath's wargals. Well, to put in in better terms, it was getting bloody. Screams and cries of pain were heard outside the tent, but inside the tent was peace. As you were about to sit down and try to organise your ointments and bandages, shouting was heard just outside your tent. You stood up and glanced outside in surprise, to see 2 knights supporting another knight in between them. The one in between seemed to be bruised and bleeding.

"(Y/n)! We need you!" The knight on the right called, their helmet ajar, showing the knight's brown hair. You gathered up your skirts and rushed to them, falling to your knees in front of the knight in the middle. You pressed your hand lightly on the knight's forehead, feeling that it was a bit feverish. You glanced up at the other two knights as you stood up.

"What happened to him?" You asked quickly as you motioned for them to bring him inside your tent. You rushed to your shelves full of bandages, potions and ointments as the 2 knights put the middle one on one of the beds in the middle of the tent.

"Slashed at, by the look of it. A bit of bruising, too." The brown haired knight replied. You nodded and after handing them both goblets full of cold, refreshing water, ushered them out of your tent so you could work. You approached the semi-conscious knight and begin to remove his helmet and his outer armour, revealing a simple cotton shirt and trousers inside. You couldn't lie, this man was attractive. As you gathered up his armour to put it on the other side of the room, you caught sight of the crest on his armour. It was the crest of Baron Arald, the baron of Redmont fief...and next to it...was a small badge. You examined the badge in surprise. This badge meant...this boy wasn't even a senior knight! The boy seemed to be a newly promoted knight, probably his first time in a war. Poor boy.

You got a few rolls of bandages and began your work. You wrapped his arms, which seemed to have suffered the worst of the damage, with soft, linen bandages, after applying a simple slave which would make sure it wouldn't get infected. For his bruises, you pressed ice against it and then applied another ointment, which would allow it to heal faster.

You sighed softly and wiped the sweat off your brow, exhausted. After a couple of minutes, the knight began to stir.

You stood up and went over to the young knight. After a couple more seconds, he opened his eyes. Oh god, his eyes.

Oh, look at those eyes!
They were as blue as the sky on a warm summer day.
They were like pools of clear lake water, reflecting the sky above.
Oh god.
You looked into his eyes and the sky's the limit.

"Um...miss?" The knight spoke, startling you out of your thought as you realised you ah been staring at his eyes for a while. A pink blush crept its way into cheeks as you noticed his other handsome features. Dear god. This boy will be the death of you.

"Oh," You blushed harder, turning away and handing him a goblet with some herbs mixed.

"Here. It'll lessen the pain and allow quicker recovery." You said, more confident now that you were back in your element. He looked surprised and took the goblet, drinking its contents.

"Um...thank you?" He replied, his reply sounding more like a question. You smiled slight, still slightly shy, but liking this knight. Most knights would be boasting of their achievements during the war to any girl within a 15 mile radius. And this knight...was so humble. So nice and different from the others. Huh.

He smiled slightly and nodded at me, a twinkle in his eyes. "Well, um...thank you for..." He motions to himself, seeming to be at a lost of words.

You laughed, smiling back at him. "No problem. It's my job." You walked over to your shelves and brought out a small pack of herbs.

"Uh...please put this in hot water or tea and drink it once a day. It will help with the bruises." You said, handing it to him.

Horace nodded and took it along with his armour, tucking it into his inner pocket.
You both stood there awkwardly, neither of you knowing what to do.

"So, uh, I..I better get going," He said, scratching the top of his head awkwardly.

You looked down slightly and nodded. He walked over to the entrance of the tent was about to leave before turning around, sending you a bright smile that could outshine the sun.


"My name's Horace. Horace Altman. At your service."

this is one of my best written ones xD, I'm proud of this lol

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