Falling ||Apprentice! Gilan x Reader||

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Please comment below if you have any requests! I'm running out of ideas!



Gilan groaned a little, most of his body aching. He had just finished 10 laps around the village and the castle, with Halt ridding behind him. That's what I get for coming home late... Gilan thought, sighing softly. Halt had gone ahead to make them dinner, while Gilan went back to the village to get some bread for their breakfast for the following day. He had walked back to the village slowly, every part of him hurt like the devil. After a couple minutes, he finally arrived at the baker's shop. He gently pushed open the door as the bell behind it ting, signaling another customer. He breathed in, taking in the scent of fresh and baking bread. He approached the desk, seeing an unfamiliar young girl. The girl had beautiful (h/c) colored locks and she was wearing a simple (f/c) dress. Gilan breathed in and spoke.

"Hello, ma'am?"
You jumped up, turning to him. You smiled brightly.
"Hello, sir! I'm (y/n). How can I help you?"

Gilan smiled at your cheery tone, admiring your (e/c) orbs that shone in the soft fading light.

"Hello, (y/n). Where's (grandfather's name?) He usually runs the shop."
You smiled at the handsome young Ranger.

"He's on a trip with my mum. He should be back sometime tomorrow."
He nodded, smiling. "Oh....alright then.  Do you have some plain loaf bread?"
You nod and step out from the desk, walking towards one of the shelves nearby, Gilan following closely behind you.

You pull out a simple wooden ladder from the side and position it under the tall shelf. You slowly climb it, Gilan watching you from below. You grabbed the bread easily and began climbing down, on your third step from the top, you slipped, making you gasp loudly. Gilan, being Gilan, came to your rescue. He slid under you, catching you gently in his arms. You blushed, smiling at the tall Ranger.

"Thank you..." you hesitate, realizing that you didn't know your savior's name. Gilan smirked a little, still carrying you in his arms.

"My name's Gilan. I'm Ranger Halt's apprentice." He said, gently lowering you to the ground. You blushed and handed him his bread. Gilan dug into his pockets for the payment before you gently put your slender hands on top of his, stopping him.

"No, it's alright. You can have your bread for free, as a thank you." You say, smiling.

"....Alright. And anytime...(y/n)..." He stayed silent for a moment before speaking again, "So...would you like to...perhaps...goonadatewithmesometime?" He said, speaking extremely quickly and blushing.

You squeal internally before composing yourself enough to reply.
"Of course! I'd love to!!"
Gilan sighs in relief.
"Maybe tomorrow? We can meet under the big oak tree near the main road..."

You nod enthusiastically. "Alright!"
You smirk a little and stand on your tip toes, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you again."
Gilan nods, in a daze. He walks out of the shop and towards his and Halt's cabin, before what he said finally sunk in. He looked around, and seeing as he's alone in the forest, he give a big shout.

"YYYYEEEEESSSSSSS! I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!" He skips back merrily to the cabin.


He was peacefully making a cup of coffee for him and his apprentice when he hears Gilan's loud shouts, making him drop the last bag of coffee beans. THE LAST BAG. He chuckles evily a little and sticks his head out of the window, to see his apprentice beaming, skipping merrily. He sighs softly and calls out.

Well...that was...eventful. If you want, request what you want me to write, down below in the comments! Don't forget to please click the little VOTE button if you liked this chapter. Thanks for reading!!! I'll update soon, I promise. Bye!!!!


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