Protect ||Gilan x Reader||

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Warning: MAJOR FLUFF!!!!!!


Gilan sighed, wiping rainwater from his eyes as he rode easily on Blaze towards the nearby inn. Crowley had given him a simple mission, accompany a young Courier named (y/n) (l/n) to Castle Mordar, near the boundaries of Gallica, to discuss an agreement about the flow of trade between Araulen and Gallica. If the weather had been good, it would have just taken about 3 to 4 days for them to reach the Castle. Sadly, Mother Nature decided to be mean that week, causing thunderstorms and hurricanes everywhere, making it almost impossible to travel. Gilan had just gone around to scout out their next route when it began raining. Very. Hard. He had left the young Courier back at the inn, wanting her to rest after riding for the whole day, none-stop. He reached the inn and released a sigh of relief. He watered and fed Blaze and put her in the stables, giving her an apple as a reward. He took of his soaking wet clothes and changed quickly, relishing at the feeling of the soft, warm cloth. He then headed up to their rooms after having a well-deserved hot cup of coffee.

He knocked 3 times on the Courier's door and he heard a faint, "Come in! It's open!" He stepped in and his eyes widened slightly at the site that greeted his eyes. You had let your hair down from its traditional bun and had brushed the (h/c) locks until it shone. You had also shed your riding clothes and replaced them with a simple (f/c) colored dress that brought out your (e/c) eyes. The surprising thing was, you had covered the rest of your body with a big fluffy blanket, not allowing anything to be seen but your head and the edges of your dress.

You smiled at the young and handsome Ranger. "Hello, Gilan."

Gilan smiled back. "Hi, (y/n)!" He looked at you curiously. "Why did you cover yourself with a giant blanket. It's not even cold?"

His answer came as lightning flashed through the closed window and very, very loud thunder followed. You whimpered, covering your head with the blanket in fright. Gilan looked at you in surprise. "Are you scared of storms?" He asked, approaching you slowly and sitting on the edge of the bed.

You nodded, whimpering again as another flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder came from the heavens. Gilan smiled at you sympathetically and he removed his soft boots and cloak, leaving him in a dark green shirt and brown leggings. He crawled over to you and hugged you tightly, joining you under the blanket. You smiled softly and relaxed against him, enjoying the warmth and comfort he brought. You suddenly jumped again and begandwhen a strike of lightning appeared and an extremely loud rumble of thunder followed, making you cuddle into Gilan, who put his arms around you protectively.

"Shhhh....I'm here...I'm going to protect you...nothing can harm you when I'm here....I promise...." He reassured you with a smile. You smiled back and leaned into him, jumping every few moments from the constant rumbles of thunder. Slowly, you fell asleep in his secure arms, feeling protected as you drifted into sleep. Once Gilan saw that you were asleep, he gently adjusted his position, making sure you were under the blanket and in the safety of his arms, then he slowly fell asleep himself, a small content smile on his lips.


Well then....that was really fluffy! I've had this idea for a while now but I never bothered. Did you love this chapter? I really hope that you did! If you do, why not take a moment to press that little VOTE button to the left of your screen? Thanks for reading!

p.s. Comment below your requests or PM me!


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