Apologies ||Emperor Shigeru x Reader||

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So sorry for not updating for a looooooong time, so here an extra long one!!!


You sighed softly, tucking a stray strand of (h/c) hair behind your ear as the wind howled and your (f/c) cloak fluttered in the strong wind.
Your father was a high ranking officer in Nihon-Ja, making your family quite rich. The thing was, your father has sided against the emperor, His Excellency, Emperor Shigeru. You believed that Shigeru was the proper and rightful emperor, making your family hate you. They hated you even more when they found out that you had helped Shigeru escape to the mountains after numerous attempts on his life.
The emperor was surprised when he learned that your family hated you, so he happily allowed you to accompany him and his faithful followers to the mountains.  Many of his followers didn't trust you because of your family, that is until you helped the foreigner, Horace, defeat a couple enemies and saving the Emperor's life in  the process. You were now one of his closest and most trusted  friends. That had developed into even more, and soon, you were his love, his queen, his empress......

But recently, you and Shigeru were quite distant. A couple days  ago, you and him had fought about his safety. He wanted to continue to the legendary fortress quickly where they could all regroup, while you wanted to wait for all of the people who survived the bloody and short war against Arisaka and his army. He of course, won the argument, being Emperor. However, you had ran from him,  disguising yourself as a soldier to avoid too much attention and to avoid him.

You were were hurt. Really hurt. You understood that his intention was to be able to find a place to rest, but did he have to shut down your opinion so quickly? You had simply been suggesting it to him, but then he had snapped at you, yelling how you should keep your head out of business that didn't concern you. It hurt a lot, seeing as he normally loved hearing your opinions and suggestions and he always took them into consideration. Now...you felt sad. The first person to accept you for yourself had just shut you down. And due to that, you were planning to run away. Your bag was already slung on your back, well hidden. You were planning to simply live in one of the villages outside the borders. You were planning to leave tonight, but first, you wanted to think.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" A soft voice called.

"Huh?" You jumped up and faced the emperor, who was looking at you with concern, a little bit of amusement and a bit of regret.

"(Y/n), it's almost midnight. What are you doing still awake? You should be sleeping and gathering as much strength as you can." He said, walking to you and standing beside you on the cliff. 

"..." You stayed silent, not wanting to talk.

"Come now, my dear, what seems to be bothering you? You know that I'm always here to help." He coaxed, looking at you with a smile.  But when he saw your face, eyes full of sadness and large eye bugs under your (e/c) orbs, his smile fell.

"Hey...what's wrong, dear?" He looked at you, worry clear in his eyes.

You simply shook your head again, keeping your personal vow to not speak to him.
His shoulders slumped as a sigh escaped his lips. He knew exactly why you were like this. Himself, the emperor, had shut your opinion down had yelled at you. He had been stressed, hence the reason why he had snapped. He hadn't meant to, but he couldn't help it.  He tried, oh he tried everything to win your forgiveness. He had apologized dozens of times, a couple times begging on his knees. He had tried giving you gifts, compliments, hugs, everything you could have asked for. But nothing had worked. He had hurt you, he had hurt you, the person who held his heart.

"(Y/n)...I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I hurt you, I hurt the person who I truly cared about. I hurt the person who held my heart. I'm sorry, love. And I promise, I will spend the rest of my life...trying to get you to love me again. I...I love you, with everything of me. Please, forgive me." Shigeru said, falling to his knees beside you, his large hands holding your small delicate one softly.



"I-I..I love you too, you idiot!" You hugged his neck, making him smile as bright as the stars.

"Thank you, so much. I love you so much..." Shigeru said, chuckling a little as he heard soft snores coming from you. He looked down, and soon enough, you were there, sleeping  in his arms. And...he promised himself...he would never let you go.


"I-I...I can't, Shigeru. I love you...but this just won't work. I'm sorry." You confessed, looking up at him, scared of his reaction.

All he did, was smile sadly at you. Inside him, his heart was breaking into shards. You, his first love...you had given up on your relationship. You were everything to him, and all he wanted to do was to make you happy. And if that meant his heart being broken...he would do it, if only to see you happy.

"I-I...Alright. But can we at least remain...friends?" He asked weakly, his mind sobbing at the word, 'friends'. He didn't want to just be your friend, he wanted you to be his, and he to be yours. But...if remaining friends was what made you happy, then he would be willing to sacrifice his happiness, no matter what.

You smiled softly. "Friends." You hugged him tightly, overjoyed. You were happy, and you knew that was all Shigeru wanted.

Well then...I made myself cry. That was the saddest one shot I had ever written. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote and comment!!!


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