Perfect Christmas ||Younger! Will Treaty x Reader||

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Kinda short. Sorryyyyyy. Also, I am now obsessed with the French show, Miraculous." I know it was released 2 years ago, but it's freaking AMAZING. The pic above is Ladybug and Chat Noir (OTP OH MY GOD)

You sighed softly, glancing out of the window and at the piles of snow that covered the castle grounds. It was Christmas, one of your least favorite times of the year. Of course, you didn't mind the beautiful decoration hung around the castle, you didn't mind the glistening snow falling and covering the castle in a fluffy white blanket, you didn't mind the staff and servants of the castle calling you and your fellow wards to help them out when they had too much work. But, what you did mind, were the gifts that you received. Due to the generosity and kindness of Baron Arald, each ward received at least 1 gift, to make them happy on Christmas. If you were friendly and helped out specific craft masters or any of the staff, there was a big chance that you would get a gift from them as well. Working voluntarily with the staff of the castle had it's perks too. They would pay you at least 5-10 gold coins, depending on how hard you work. Then, if you wanted, you could go down to the village and buy gifts for people as well. That's what you and your fellow ward mates were planning. You and your best friend, Alyss, asked the Baron if you, Alyss, and your other friends would be able to go gift shopping. He just laughed and agreed, even sparing you all some horsemen, a wagon to bring them to the village, and 10 more gold coins each. You really wanted to get your crush, Will, a gift. Maybe he would notice you more than a friend then. Now, you and your ward mates were preparing to go down to the village. You wore a simple white dress which was a gift from the head diplomatic courier, Lady Pauline. She had gifted you, Alyss and Jenny simple white dresses, each with different designs. She had given Horace, George, and Will, new shirts and pants. Over your dress, you wore a (f/c) colored cloak that brushed the floor. Alyss wore a pale blue cloak, while Jenny wore a yellow one. The boys all wore brown green-ish cloaks. Suddenly from behind you, your best friends called for you.

"(Y/n)! Come on, we're about to go!" Alyss called, Jenny beside her, who was bouncing up and down in excitement.

You laughed and walked towards them gracefully, your dress and cloak brushing the floor. (I looked up traditional medieval winter dresses, they're all touching the floor. So sorry to the people who don't really like dresses)
You walked beside them as the boys came out of their rooms. Will came out first, his hair swept to the side, making you internally squeal. He also looked like he also had just woken up, which you thought was absolutely adorable. He smiled at you, making you blush a light pink. He then walked over to the three of you, standing in between you and Alyss. After a few seconds of silence, Horace and George stepped out as well, both of them smiling brightly. Together, they walked to the doors leading to the courtyard. The guards stationed at the doors nodded their head at them, opening the large pine doors. As the doors opened, a cold gust of wind blew inside the castle, making all of you shiver. You and Alyss stepped ahead, looking for the wagon the Baron had lent you. The boys and Jenny followed your lead, as the guards closed the doors behind them. The wagon pulled up in front of the stairs, pulled by 2 horsemen. You grinned and climbed on, siting near the opening. Alyss sat across you with Jenny, while Will sat beside you along with Horace and George.

"Ready to go?" The coachman asked them, turning slightly in his seat.

You nod and smile at the middle-aged man and he smiles back, before turning forward and snapping the reins, the horses starting to trot gently to the village. As you all bumped along the dusty path, you looked around, breathing in the cold but refreshing winter breeze. You smiled at villagers that you passed, them smiling back a little surprised. As you neared the village, you grinned a little at the sight. The village was covered in a blanket of fluffy snow. There were icicles hanging outside of the houses. And best of all, there were beautiful decorations. There were bring torches everywhere to keep the people warm, there were small ornaments hanging around the trees nearby. You sighed softly, this was what you called, a perfect Christmas.

So sorry for not updating for so long, I was just really busy with school work and stuff. I'm writing this in class right now. Whoops. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!! By the way, I should be paying attention now. My history teacher is discussing something for the test tomorrow. I'll probably write a part two soon (ish). Byeeeee


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