Rain ||Young! Halt x Reader||

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So sorry for not updating in a while. I've been really busy but school's over now so yay! Dedicated and requested by Romanticranger



Halt sighed, shaking the water out of his face. Every part of his body was soaking wet and sore. He was discovering muscles that he never knew he even had. He and Crowley were on their way back to Castle Redmont after a long day of riding. Crowley had the brilliant idea to check if the neighboring fiefs of Redmont were loyal to Prince Duncan or to the increasingly annoying Baron Morgarath. Times like these were when Halt sometimes regretted being a Ranger.

It was a good idea, Halt's logical part of his mind reasoned. Except for the fact that it rained. And not just a nice, refreshing drizzled. He meant a giant downpour of water from the heavens. It would have been alright, had they been near Redmont. But no, they just had to be 2 fiefs away. Their clothes were soaking wet, making them cold and heavy. If that wasn't enough, the shortest path back to Redmont was extremely muddy, forcing the two Ranger horses to go at a very slow pace. At the very least, they would go back to the castle bearing good news. All 5 of the nearby fiefs were loyal to Prince Duncan. That was a start, at least.

Suddenly, in front of him, Crowley stopped, forcing Halt to stop as well. Halt looked up, and saw a figure on the side of the road. He met Crowley's eyes and nodded. Both Rangers spurred a bit forward to get a better view of the figure. Halt heard Crowley gasp and he immediately knew why. They could both see the figure was a young girl, struggling with a large basket.

Her long (f/c) dress was caked with mud and soaking wet. Her (h/c) hair was dripping wet, hanging behind her back. It seems the figure heard them and turned. Halt's breath was caught in his throat. The young girl had beautiful glimmering (e/c) eyes that seemed like portals to another universe. Both he and Crowley walked their horses closer to the girl, shielding her from the rain. The girl looked up at them thankfully. Crowley motioned towards a bunch of large rocks nearby, telling the girl to go there. The girl complied, slowly making her way to the formation of rocks. Crowley and Halt followed behind her. After what seemed like forever, they got there. The rocks formed something like a cave, keeping them covered from the heavy wind and rain. The two Rangers led their horses a bit inside to keep them dry and got off, approaching the young girl.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" Asked Crowley as they both lowered the cowls of their cloaks.

"F..fine...t..thank..yo..you." Replied the girl in a voice that sound like an extremely cold angel.

"What brings you out in this kind of weather, ma'am?" Asked Halt, raising an eyebrow.

Th girl smiled faintly. "No need to call me ma'am. I'm out in this weather because I need to get some medicine to my sick father."

Crowley whistled. "Good job getting this far. Where does your father live?"

The girl sighed. "He lives in Redmont fief." She smiled shyly. "Oh! I've forgotten my manners. I'm (y/n), the daughter of (f/n) who is a knight in Redmont."

Crowley smiled back. "I'm Crowley."

The girl turned to smile at Half, dazzling him with a sweet smile. "And who might you be?"

Halt is speechless for a couple of seconds before replying. "My name is Halt, we're King's Rangers."

The girl smiled again. "Nice to know not all the Rangers are arrogant men under Morgarath."
Crowley laughed as Halt smiled back and gave a chuckle. "At least we're not the only ones who think so."
(Y/n) chuckled. "I've heard about you two. You got Prince Duncan from captivation and you're helping him defeat Morgarath!"

Crowley looked surprised. "Seems like you know a lot about us."

The girl chuckled. "My dad's a knight. He kind of tells me a lot of things. Your secret is safe with me, though.
(Y/n) looked out the small cave. "Oh, it seems like the rain has almost stopped!"
The Rangers look out as well. "Finally." Said Crowley, eager to get back to Redmont of a nice cup of coffee.

(Y/n) smiled. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Ranger Crowley, Ranger Halt. I hope we meet again someday."

Crowley and Halt nodded. "See you around, hopefully." Replied Halt and the two were about to ride their horses, The young girl approached them.

"Wait!" She said. The pair looked back at her confused. The girl smiled and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. Crowley was beaming and Halt was blushing a little, also smiling. The girl them gave Halt a small slip of paper and winked before stepping out of the rocks and continuing on her way. The two got on their horses and rode back to Redmont quickly. As they rode, Halt unfolded the slip of paper. What it said made him chuckle as he tucked it into a dry pocket. Written on it, in a beautiful cursive, was the young girl's address, along with a short message that said, "You're really cute. Come find me. Maybe we can organize something. Good luck against Morgarath!

Well, then. That was pretty short. Sorry about that. Did you love this chapter? I really hope that you did! If you do, why not take a moment to press that little VOTE button to the left of your screen? Thanks for reading!


p.s. If you want to request me
to write something, please
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