New Flat, New Start

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Dust flew everywhere as you dropped the last box. You straightened your back and groaned as your bones cracked.

After a long day of hard work and heavy boxes, you were finally all moved in. All that was left to do was clean everything up and organise your things.

You let out a sigh of relief, but immediately groaned again when you heard a knock on the door. Great. You had just moved in and already people were bothering you. You answered the door and faked a smile upon seeing who it was.

''Hello, dear,'' your landlady, Mrs Hudson, chirped. ''I got your keys! I also made you some dinner. I figured you could use a bite after such a long day.''

You took the keys and dinner, keeping the smile on your face. ''Thank you for your warm welcome.''

''Oh, it's no problem, dear! I'm just glad someone has finally moved in. This flat has been free for years now.''

You heard a door slam shut above you, causing you to look up with a frown on your face.

Mrs Hudson sighed. ''Don't mind that, dear. Those are your upstairs neighbours. They can be quite loud, but they're good people.. for the most part.''

You smiled at her. ''Well, thank you for everything. I should probably rest up. Early day tomorrow.'' Before the landlady could utter another word, you shut and locked the door.

You sat down on your dusty sofa after searching for a fork in one of the boxes. You hungrily tore the foil from the plate and shoved the dish in your mouth. It was delicious.

You leant back on the sofa and sighed.

Moving back to London had never really crossed your mind once you moved away. You had felt content in Scotland. You had a decent job in law enforcement, a nice flat close to your parents' place. It got comfortable. Too comfortable. That's why you decided to move.

You needed a change, more excitement and new possibilities. You chose London, where you were born and raised until you were eight, and got settled in as quickly as you could.

Your amazing reputation had landed you a job quickly. You were known to be an outstanding detective, and Scotland Yard was glad to have you.

Your skills were astounding. You were very intelligent and had an eye for seeing even the smallest of details. Your ability to deduce people and places came in very useful as a detective. You had many solved cases under your belt.

After years of putting your skills to good use in Scotland, you were ready to face the crime world in London. It was a good career choice, and you were thrilled to get back into the game. But there was something else you had to do first.

Tomorrow was Violet Holmes' funeral. You had known her as a child. Your mother was good friends with her, and you visited her often. You had never met her husband and children, though. So, you were surprised to see the invitation to her funeral.

You dropped your empty plate in the sink and looked at all the unpacked boxes in your flat. ''I'll do that later,'' you mumbled to yourself.

Dragging your feet, you managed to reach the bedroom before you collapsed on your bed and fell asleep.

You were so tired, you didn't even hear the violin music coming from upstairs.

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