Sleepless Nights

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Sherlock watched you from the kitchen, a cup of steaming coffee in his hand as he leant against the wall.

You had been sat on the floor in the same position for hours now. You only moved when you reached into one of the boxes to retrieve another document you wanted to look over again.

Your obsession with the case had only worsened once you found evidence of Moriarty's involvement.

When you arrived back in London a few days ago along with countless boxes containing evidence, you immediately got to work and hadn't stopped since. You had looked over every piece of evidence, every document and file dozens of times. 

You had also done some research on Moriarty. You didn't find much, but what you found sent shivers down your spine.

He was suspected of hundreds of murders, kidnap cases, disappearance cases, and money laundering. He was never trialled or caught, though. This man seemed like a ghost. No one knew anything about him. All you could find were suspicions. Rumours people spoke about.

Whoever Moriarty was, he was a fascinating man. He was a complete mystery. So much so that people doubted his actual existence. But if there was one thing you loved, it was solving those mysteries.

Sherlock's eyes gazed at you as you grabbed a different file from the box right next to you. He saw you sigh in frustration as you skimmed through it like you had many times before.

He noticed your tired, glazed over eyes. He noticed the bags that had formed underneath them. He saw how your hands were slightly shaking and how much trouble you had reading the letters and numbers on the pages. You were in desperate need of a break.

He sauntered over to you, handing you his cup of coffee. ''Looks like you could use this.''

You took the cup without looking up or saying a word. Placing the mug at your lips, you chugged the hot liquid in one go. You handed the mug back to Sherlock, muttering a ''thanks''.

He took a deep breath, knowing the storm he'd cause for bringing it up. ''Shouldn't you take a break and get some sleep?''

''I slept in the plane, I'm fine,'' you retorted, not bothering looking away from the file in your hands.

''We've been back in London for almost three full days now, (Y/N).''

''We have?''

Now that you were finally looking at him, Sherlock could see the full extent of your exhaustion. Your eyes were red and teary, your hair had knots in it, and your skin had adapted a dullish grey tint.

''I think you should get some sleep. I think we both should.''

You shook your head. ''No time.''

''You've been staring at the same evidence for three days straight now. You are not going to find anything more than we already found, especially not when you're this tired.''

''You don't know that,'' you shot back, getting defensive.

''I do know that and so do you. You're clever enough to understand what you're doing right now is unhealthy and unwise.''

You rolled your eyes. ''What gives you the right to lecture me? Whenever you're on a case, you don't eat or sleep either. But when I do it, it's a problem.''

''We both know I eat and sleep enough to keep me going when I'm on a case. Right now, you have gone too far. You've completely exhausted yourself, (Y/N)! Look at you.'' He was getting frustrated and angry now.

''Either shut up and leave or grab a box and help me solve this case!'' you seethed.

Sherlock was taken aback by the scorn in your voice, but didn't hesitate to retaliate. ''Can't you see what you're doing is utterly stupid?'' he yelled. ''How will we solve this case when you're too exhausted to read a single word on the page you've been clinging to for hours?!''

''At least I'm trying to do something here. You've hardly been working ever since we got back from Scotland!''

''I have been on my feet trying to find leads! There are none, (Y/N). We've hit a dead end. There's nowhere we can go from here without more evidence. Evidence we don't have and won't find!''

That hit you hard. You'd been in denial for days now, desperately re-analysing every piece of evidence you had. You knew there was nothing left to find, but you still tried. It was better than facing the reality of the situation; you had no leads and no proof to conclude it was indeed Moriarty behind your father's murder.

You inhaled a shaky breath, staring at the boxes around you with tears stinging your eyes.

Sherlock sighed and took a seat next to you on the floor. ''I know it infuriates you, I feel the same. I hate that we can't move on with this case. I hate that we're stuck with a theory we know is right, but can't prove or do anything about. Even if we did have evidence to support our claims, we still wouldn't be able to make an arrest.''

''Then what are we supposed to do? I can't just sit here and do nothing, Sherlock! I can't just go to sleep at night knowing my father's murderer is still out there.''

''I know that, (Y/N), but right now, there is nothing we can do. We have to wait for something to happen.''

''And what if nothing happens? What if this is all we'll get?''

''Something will happen,'' he assured. ''Moriarty, he likes playing games with people. When he gets bored or impatient, he'll do something that catches our attention and gets us to play along again. All we have to do is wait for it to happen.''

''We have to be prepared when he does.''

''Yes, and overanalysing this useless evidence isn't going to prepare us for anything. You need to get rest and take care of yourself, so when the time comes, you'll be ready.''

You sighed. You knew he was right. Of course, he was. This was your genius detective boyfriend. He didn't earn that title by sitting on his arse all day doing crossword puzzles. He was experienced.

''Let me get you to bed. You can sleep here, no need to go downstairs to your place.''

You nodded and let Sherlock help you up and guide you to his bedroom. You immediately fell onto the bed, curling up under the duvet he covered you with. ''Join me?'' you asked, your voice a soft whisper.

He smiled softly and got in bed with you, pulling you close to his chest. ''We'll figure this out, I promise,'' he whispered, planting a kiss on your head.

It didn't take long for your exhaustion to catch up with you and soon, you were fast asleep.

Sherlock stayed awake for a while, watching you to make sure you got the rest you needed.

It was a long journey ahead and Sherlock could only hope you'd get through it.

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