On A Case With Sherlock Holmes

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You arrived at the crime scene and went over to your boss as soon as you spotted him. ''Where's the body?'' you asked.

''The bedroom,'' Lestrade answered.

You nodded and entered the room, immediately getting to work.

The victim was a tall woman in her early thirties. She had dyed blonde hair and red speckles covering her pale skin.

You walked over to the bed and examined the victim more closely. ''Cause of death is probably poison. We should get an autopsy to prove that, though,'' you said to no one in particular.

''That took you long enough.''

You looked up from the body and saw the smirking consulting detective staring at you as you worked. You rolled your eyes. ''Shut up.''

''Did you see the two puncture marks on her ankle?''

''Of course, I did,'' you snarled. ''It seems to be a bite from some sort of snake.''

''I took the liberty of doing a background check and I briefly spoke to the family,'' he said, handing you a file. ''You were quite late. You seem to make a habit of that.''

''I was in the shower when they called. What did you find out?''

''The victim's name is Julia Stoner. Days away from her wedding, actually. She shared this flat with her sister and stepfather, Doctor Roylott. He owns a cosmetics company and seems to be quite the successful businessman. Her sister, Helen Stoner, told me that Julia had been feeling a bit run down these past few weeks, but figured it was just wedding stress. That was until she died, of course.''

''How did the family react to the news?'

''Both seemed devastated.''

''What about her fiancé? You said she was getting married soon. Have you spoken to him?'' you asked, looking at a photo of the man the victim was supposed to marry.

''I figured we could speak to him together. I have his address.''

''Let's go then.''

You went over some of the details of the case as you took a cab to the fiancé's home. You soon arrived and rang the bell.

A tall, beardy man answered the door, looking at you wearily.

Sherlock decided to speak. ''Mr Armitage, this is detective (Y/L/N) and I'm Sherlock Holmes. We're investigating your fiancée's murder and would like to ask you some questions.''

He opened the door a little wider and allowed you both to come in. He led you to the living room.

You shared a look with Sherlock. Several cages with snakes were scattered across the room. This was definitely your main suspect now.

''Mr Armitage,'' you started.

''Call me Percy. Last names are so formal.'' He chuckled nervously, rubbing his hands together in his lap.

You nodded and continued. ''Percy, where were you last night around the time of the murder?''

''I was at a soccer match with some friends. They can confirm that.''

''Did you or did you not kill your fiancée?'' Sherlock spat, growing impatient already.

You glared at him and motioned for him to take it easy. You took the lead again. ''We found snake bites on Julia's ankle and we think that poison killed her, we still have to perform an autopsy but we're quite sure. Did Julia come here often? Perhaps a snake could've bitten her when she wasn't paying attention?''

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