The Game Is On

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You sat up in bed, realising you were in Sherlock's room and not your own.

You had finally decided to agree to his proposal of moving in together. Sherlock wasted no time informing Mrs Hudson and insisted you spend the night at his flat right away. He would help you bring your stuff up at a later time. As of now, you had more important matters at hand.

After Sherlock had gotten you out of the nasty situation you were in, Sebastian Moran had been taken into custody. He went willingly, which only fuelled the alarm bells in your mind.

It was all a part of Moriarty's plan, yet you couldn't figure out what his plans were. His intentions were clear, he wanted to play a game with you and Sherlock. He wanted to prove his superiority and beat you. Though, the way he was doing it was strange.

It was clever, too, because no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't figure out his next move. And once he made a move, you couldn't figure out why he made it.

The same problem had arisen again with Moran's arrest.

He had let you go once Sherlock had arrived. He willingly put down his weapons and allowed himself to be arrested.

What was the kidnapping even for? It seemed pointless.

Was it to put fear in you and Sherlock? Was it Moriarty trying to prove he had the upper hand in the situation? If so, he had succeeded. You had grown wary and defeated. You realised you were stuck in his games with no escape and you doubted you'd win.

You wondered what had made him so interested in you and your father in the first place. Sure, you were extremely intelligent, but you had always kept a low profile until you met Sherlock. Had Moriarty already been looking for you before that? Had he already recruited your father before that?

You had so many questions, all left unanswered.

You hoped you'd be able to get answers today. Moran was in custody and you, Sherlock and Lestrade would be interrogating him in a matter of hours.

He had told you he wouldn't say another word, but you hoped you'd get at least something out of him. It was wishful thinking, but you needed something to keep your hopes up in this case.

The bedroom door opened and Sherlock waltzed in, a cup of steaming coffee in his hands. ''To wake you up,'' he said, handing it to you.

''Thank you.''

''I have something else for you.'' He showed the key he hid in his hand. ''The key to our flat.''

You chuckled. ''You wasted no time getting me that, huh?''

''Well, I'm just saving you unnecessary rent on your old flat. No need to thank me, you're welcome.''

''Oh, come on, Sherlock!'' you laughed. ''We both know you're just excited to have me move in with you.''

''You'll never know my true intentions.'' He pecked your lips. ''Go get ready. We're expected at the yard soon.''


You stared out the window of the cab, your leg bouncing anxiously. Though, you didn't notice. You were lost in thought.

Sherlock observed you. He noticed your tense muscles, the frown on your face. He noticed how you were picking at your lip with your teeth and wringing your hands.

It worried him. He had never seen you this nervous or uptight before.

You always handled your cases with ease. You never seemed stressed or worried. Even if you were, you hid it well from everyone. You were always coolheaded and focussed.

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