Back To Normal

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It had been a month or so since Sherlock's return and everything had finally gone back to normal.

Well, as normal as life with Sherlock Holmes could possibly be.

Scotland Yard had been burdened with many cases and needed you and the consulting detective as a team now more than ever.

Together, you took on the cases and solved them. All except one.

''Are you sure it couldn't have been the cousin? Perhaps we should look into him again?'' you offered.

Sherlock shook his head. ''He has a strong alibi. It couldn't have been him.''

''He could be lying! Or he could be involved indirectly.''

''He's not lying. If you had been paying attention during the interrogation, you would have noticed.''

You rolled your eyes. ''I was tired! I could hardly keep my eyes open, which was your fault by the way,'' you said pointedly.

''Oh?'' Sherlock smirked. ''Did I keep you up all night?''

''You know you did!'' you laughed. You walked up to him, putting your hands on his chest and looking into his eyes. ''I didn't mind, though.''

''Hm, nor did I,'' he hummed.

Someone behind you cleared their throat, making both of you look at the door.

''Yes, hello, company,'' John quipped.

You snickered. ''Sorry, John. We weren't expecting you here so soon.''

''Well, you wanted my assistance on the case, didn't you?''

''Make yourself useful,'' Sherlock coached, turning back to the wall and observing all the evidence you had gathered.

It was quite the tough case. Not because you didn't have any suspects, but because you had too many.

The victim was thirty-year-old Selma Hayfred. She was found dead in her flat by her neighbour, who had smelled a horrible scent coming from her home and decided to check it out.

Once the police arrived at the scene, the victim had been dead for several days and had begun to decompose, staining the carpet she was placed on.

She had multiple stab wounds in her abdomen as well as marks around her wrists and ankles, signifying she had been tied up shortly before her death. The fatal blow, however, was the trauma caused to her head by what you suspected was a hard, metal object.

The murder weapon soon became quite clear as Selma had multiple swimming awards displayed in her home. She had been a professional swimmer until retiring a month back due to health issues.

The awards were still being analysed at the lab, but one of them was without a doubt the murder weapon. The knife used to make the cuts in her stomach hadn't been found yet. What you did establish was that the injuries in her abdomen were caused post-mortem.

Whoever the murderer was, had killed her with one of the trophies first before stabbing her six times. The fact that her hands and feet had been tied up didn't make any sense either.

It was safe to say Scotland Yard was baffled by the case and had called in you and Sherlock. Though, after two days of working on the case, you hadn't gotten very far.

John picked up a file. ''They did an autopsy already, didn't they?''

''Yes,'' Sherlock answered. ''Molly did it herself. The cause of death was the blow to her head. No traces of drugs, poison or any unnatural substances were found in her body.''

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