Searching For You

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''Christ, Sherlock, this place is a mess!'' Lestrade exclaimed, standing in the doorway and observing the flat. ''John told me it was bad, but this... this –''

''What do you want, Gavin?''

''Listen, I know you're going through a hard time right now, but it's been two months and you haven't found a single lead on her whereabouts.''

''Your point?'' Sherlock hissed.

The DI sighed. ''Look, I miss her too. She was a good friend of mine and by far the most talented employee I've ever had, but you have to stop this madness, Sherlock. She's dead, mate! Moriarty took her, there's no way she'd survive that lunatic.''

''She's not dead!'' he bellowed. ''She's not dead and I will find her if it's the last thing I do.''

''You can't find her. Not even Mycroft can. You have to accept that and try to move on. I've got plenty of cases waiting for me on my desk, I could use your help with them if you need a distraction.''

''Don't you see this is his doing?'' Sherlock yelled. ''You think it's a bloody coincidence you've got hundreds of murder cases coming in right when she disappears? This is Moriarty's doing! He's trying to distract me, taunt me, and I won't let him!''

Greg sighed and looked at his dishevelled friend with sympathy written clearly on his face. ''I know you miss her, but you need help, Sherlock. Everyone is worried about you, including me. You're losing your mind cooped up in here! You think Moriarty is everywhere, trying to get to you, but he's gone. He's disappeared.''

''He is everywhere! Why can't you see that? He is messing with your head, with everyone's heads!'' The detective's eyes were blown wide and he was breathing heavily as he stared at the DI with a mad look on his face.

Lestrade approached him and gently pushed him into his chair. ''You need rest. I'll make you some tea, how about that? It'll help calm you down and we can just talk for a while, hm? Talk about (Y/N).''

He shook his head. ''No, I have to work. Phone. Where is my phone?''

''You're holding it, mate. Why do you need it?''

''Moriarty. He's been sending me cryptic messages for weeks now. I've tried every possible solution, but I can't decipher them. He's taunting me, Lestrade. He's trying to mess with my head, but I won't let him. I won't let him distract me from finding her. I'll find her.''

''Easy, mate. Calm down. How do you know it's Moriarty texting you and not some lad playing a cruel joke on you?''

''Of course, it's Moriarty!''

''Alright, let's say he is behind these messages. Have you asked Mycroft for help? Maybe he can decipher them.''

''You've been spending an awful lot of time with my brother, Lestrade,'' Sherlock sneered, glaring at him. ''And no, I haven't asked him for help because I don't want his bloody help!''

''Well, what about Molly? Or John? Maybe I could help?''

The detective snorted. ''If I can't figure it out, what makes you think you can? How many of your cases did I have to solve for you?''

''I know you're hurt, but you don't have to lash out at me. I am only trying to help.''

''Help?'' he scoffed. ''None of you are doing anything to help me find (Y/N)! None of you cares!''

''Bloody Hell, Sherlock, of course, we bloody care! She was important to us, as well! And we've tried looking for her. We did the best we could, but it's been two months now. You have to start accepting that she's gone! She won't come back, you know that. This isn't some ordinary criminal, it's Moriarty. You've faced him before, you know what he's capable of.''

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