Someone To Blame

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You entered Lestrade's office, Sherlock's free hand in yours. You didn't bother knocking, catching the DI by surprise.

''(Y/N)! Sherlock!'' he exclaimed. He hastily shoved the box of doughnuts under his desk and tried to clean up the mess by dumping it all in a drawer. ''I wish you guys told me you were coming. What can I do for you?''

You looked around his office, noticing the sweet scent of the jelly doughnuts he was just eating. It had been a while since you were last here. You had taken time off work to focus on your case. Lestrade had, of course, understood and granted you a few weeks off.

''We found more evidence,'' Sherlock spoke, dropping the box on the desk. ''Fingerprints found on the murder weapon, to be exact. We need you to see if they match someone in the system.''

''Right! Yes, of course. I'd love to help!''

You took the enlarged photo of the fingerprints out of the box and handed it to your boss.

He took it from you, but before you could retreat your hand, he grabbed your wrist. ''How are you holding up?'' he asked quietly.

You swallowed thickly and forced a smile on your face. ''I'm fine,'' you lied.

He gave you a sympathetic look, understanding you didn't want to discuss it any further. ''Right then. Let's see if this bastard has been arrested before.'' He started his computer and typed in a code. ''I can scan the fingerprints right here. Might take a while.''

''We're both familiar with the process, Gary,'' Sherlock commented.

The DI huffed but didn't correct his friend. He scanned the prints into the computer and ran the database.

It felt like hours, but finally, the computer beeped. After three weeks of hard work, your efforts had finally paid off. There was a match.

You stood behind your boss' desk and took a look at the screen. Your breath hitched in your throat as you saw the all too familiar face staring back at you. ''No...,'' you whispered.

Sherlock joined you behind the desk. ''You recognise him?''

You took a step back, wobbling on your feet. You felt your head spin as you stared at the pair of angry eyes the computer was showing you.

''(Y/N)?'' Sherlock called, grabbing your elbow to steady you. ''Talk to me.''

You looked at him, eyes wide as saucers. You were shocked. ''That's him.''

''Who? How do you know this guy?''

''The case we worked on a while ago. The serial killer, the one who shot me. That's him!''

Sherlock's eyes went wide. ''That's the bastard who shot you and left you to die?'' his voice boomed.

You rolled your eyes. ''You're overreacting again. I was shot in the leg, not the head.''

''You lost consciousness and couldn't walk for weeks!''

''No, you didn't let me walk for weeks. There is a difference.'' You crossed your arms and shot him a pointed look.

''Well, I was just- I...'''

You chuckled and pecked his lips. ''You were a good nurse.''

''Nurse?'' Sherlock called indignantly.

''Guys?'' Lestrade interjected. ''Shouldn't you be focussing on this instead? One second, you're terrified and next, you're joking around. How does that make sense?''

''Right,'' you said, gathering your thoughts. ''We finally have a face and name we can apply to my father's murderer. All we have to do now is...'' you trailed off.

''(Y/N), what is it?'' your boss asked, a concerned look on his face.

''This is his plan,'' you muttered, staring at the screen.

''What plan?'' Sherlock inquired. ''What are you talking about?''

''When he had me pinned to the ground after he shot my phone, he mentioned something about not wanting to kill me yet because of a plan he had. He's a serial killer, remember? Nearly all serial killers are psychopaths. Psychopaths don't spare people's lives unless they have a valuable reason to. He wasn't even angry at me even though I caught him red-handed. Why would a psychopath not be angry at me when I caught him off guard?''

''Because he wasn't caught off guard,'' Sherlock finished.

''Exactly! He has a plan that I'm somehow a part of. He went after my dad to get to me. That's the only logical explanation I can come up with.''

''Hold on a second,'' Lestrade interrupted. ''Why you of all people? Why target you?''

''He's not targeting her because of something she did,'' Sherlock explained. ''We found a whole file of documents showing large sums of money being deposited into her father's account by Moriarty. He must have aggravated him along the way, making an enemy of Moriarty. Thus, making Moriarty an enemy of (Y/N).''

''What does that guy have to do with his?'' Lestrade asked, absolutely clueless about what you and Sherlock were thinking.

''The serial killer works for Moriarty,'' you clarified. ''And since Moriarty has a plan for me, he couldn't let me get killed yet. I have to be alive for it to happen.''

''And you know this how?''

''It's obvious, Lestrade. We worked it out using our knowledge of the case and the evidence we've collected. It's the only plausible theory,'' Sherlock said.

''This is a huge lead!'' you exclaimed. ''Greg, put a search warrant out there for Sebastian Moran, our serial killer. If our theory is correct and he truly does work for Moriarty, finding him will be our ticket to his boss.''

''Finding him means case closed and safety on the streets,'' Sherlock added.

''Right away.''

Sherlock grabbed the carton box, taking your hand with his other one. ''We'll catch him,'' he assured you.

''I truly hope you're right. I need answers. I can't wait to catch those bastards and lock them up for good.''

He pressed a kiss to your lips. ''Let's get back to my flat. We have a lot to prepare for.''

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