Hard To Hide

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''Careful!'' Sherlock warned.

You rolled your eyes and continued to walk up the stairs as a normal, uninjured person would do, ignoring the stinging pain in your leg.

''(Y/N)!'' Sherlock said loudly. ''You're not supposed to put so much pressure on your leg. You were shot for God's sake!'' Sherlock quickly ran up the stairs and scooped you up. ''Let me help,'' he said gently.

You nodded and smiled a little, letting him carry you to his flat.

The incident at the crime scene a few weeks ago had only strengthened your feelings for Sherlock. The fact that he had been behaving like a true gentleman and helping you with everything you needed didn't help either.

Sherlock had stayed with you at the hospital until you were allowed to go home. He only left your bedside for short periods of time. He was there every single day for two weeks, supporting you and protecting you.

You had no idea how sweet and caring this so-called sociopath actually was, but you realised now that Sherlock's emotionless expression and sociopathic behaviour truly were just a façade.

This recent understanding made it even harder to keep your emotions in check and you were convinced Sherlock had noticed that you were in love with him by now. He just hadn't mentioned it to you.

Sherlock carefully placed you on the couch as soon as he entered 221B. ''Are you in any pain?'' he asked, worry written all over his face.

''I'm fine, Sherlock,'' you said, smiling.

Your doctor had allowed you to go home on one condition. You weren't allowed to go back to living on your own yet and had to stay with a friend for a while until you were fully recovered. Your physical state from the injury and weeks of being in a bed didn't allow you to do much on your own, so you couldn't live alone.

Sherlock had immediately offered to be the one to help you recover and to look after you. You knew that being close to Sherlock for a long period of time would make it incredibly hard to keep hiding your feelings and not acting on them.

You didn't want to have a sentimental weakness, but it was getting impossible to stop thinking about the consulting detective. All you saw when he was close to you were his perfectly shaped lips, and all you could think of was how it would feel to kiss them.

You truly didn't know how you were going to survive the following few weeks.

Sherlock, on the other hand, was beyond happy to have you this close to him all the time. Though, he didn't really show it on the outside.

It was easier for him to keep an eye on you and protect you from any harm when you were forced to live with him.

You getting shot had awakened something in him. He became obsessed with your safety and wellbeing and did whatever he could to guarantee you were okay.

He also enjoyed your company. He was always in a better mood when you were around. With you nearby, he was never bored. You fascinated him.

All he saw in his Mind Palace was you, and all he could think of was how badly he wanted you to be his. His feelings for you had gotten even stronger due to being close to you all the time. You had difficulty doing everyday tasks and Sherlock was the one who helped you.

This meant supporting you while you walked around the flat, carrying you to places when you were in too much pain to try and walk yourself, preparing food and drinks for you and many other things. He loved being able to take care of you, it made him feel important.

You protested a lot because you considered yourself an independent person, but you secretly adored that Sherlock took care of you. It gave you an excuse to be in his arms.

It wasn't weird when you asked Sherlock to carry you. You couldn't walk for too long on your own, you needed help.

Sherlock loved it when you asked him to carry you. He'd always blush and smile sweetly, but he always hid that from you. He sometimes made excuses to carry you more often.

The two of you were so in love with each other, it was hard to hide it. But you both stuck to your initial image of being an emotionless, highly intelligent detective. It was how you both had always behaved and what you were used to.

''This is not going to work,'' Sherlock decided, scratching the back of his head.

''What?'' you questioned, confused.

Sherlock picked you up again and carried you to his bedroom.

You rested your head on his shoulder and enjoyed the close proximity before it would be over again.

Sherlock placed you on his bed and covered you with the duvet. ''Much better,'' he stated, smiling proudly.

You giggled and stared up at him. No words were spoken for a few moments as you stared at each other.

Sherlock awkwardly cleared his throat and looked away. ''You need to rest. I'll leave you alone,'' he muttered, walking away.

''Sherlock?'' You stopped him.

He turned around, a soft look in his eyes. ''Yes?''

You bit your lip and avoided his gaze. ''Thank you for taking care of me and for being so nice to me and all,'' you mumbled shyly. ''I don't usually accept help. I hate asking for help, actually, but thank you for being so patient and helpful.''

He nodded. ''No problem.''

You sensed a hint of disappointment in his voice, but said nothing further and watched him leave the room, closing the door behind him.

You closed your eyes and instantly started to drift off. A huge smile was displayed on your face as you dreamt of the caring sociopath.

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