Sociopaths Don't Care

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You flipped through the file Mycroft provided you with. The man you were chasing was impressive.. very impressive. His name was Joseph Hyde. He had a lengthy criminal record but was only caught once. Not long after, he escaped a high-security prison and had managed to go by completely unnoticed by the public. He was a master of disguise.

Up until now, there were no leads whatsoever. After a month of being on the run, he had made a mistake. He had stolen a car and was caught on a security camera. The car, a blue 2006 Chevrolet Nubira, was spotted last night at a local bank.

You smirked as you read the address, quickly memorising it. You jumped up and grabbed your coat, adrenaline coursing through you. This was one of the biggest cases you had dealt with in your career so far, and you were thrilled to arrest him and put him behind bars once and for all.

You quickly texted Mycroft before rushing out the door, barely remembering to lock up. But before you could make it outside, a hand grabbed you from behind and dragged you up the stairs.

''Sherlock, let me go!'' you yelled, trying to free yourself from his grip.

He shut the door and stood in front of it, so you wouldn't be able to leave. ''I told you not to take the case!''

''Why would I listen to you?'' you shot back.

''It's not safe, (Y/N). Hyde will kill you without even thinking about it.'' He didn't sound angry anymore, he sounded defeated. He sounded.. afraid.

''I can take care of myself, Sherlock! You refused the case, so I took it. Now let me go, so I can arrest that bastard!'' You tried to pull him away from the door, but he was much heavier and taller than you were. You let out a frustrated scream. ''Just let me go!'' you yelled.

He merely shook his head and stood a little taller than usual. ''No.''

''Why do you even care whether I'm safe or not? You're a sociopath, Sherlock, you're not supposed to care!'' You raised your voice to make clear to him that you were in no mood to deal with his annoying behaviour.

Suddenly, Sherlock leapt forward and pinned you against the wall.

Your breath hitched in your throat and you felt your face heat up. His face was so close to yours that you could feel his breath hitting your skin softly. You stared in his captivating colourful eyes and were completely at loss for words.

''I know that I'm not supposed to care, (Y/N). You did something to me, something that I cannot explain.'' His facial expression read anger and frustration but his eyes screamed sympathy and care.

You didn't know what to say. You just stared at him with widened eyes and a shocked expression on your face. Your eyes flickered to his lips, but you quickly made eye contact again.

All you had to do was move a little and your lips would touch his. Never had you felt the urge to kiss someone, but that was exactly how you felt right now.

''I care about your safety, (Y/N). Please, don't try to catch Hyde by yourself,'' he pleaded.

You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded.

Sherlock let go of you and took a few steps back. He cleared his throat and straightened his suit jacket. ''Thank you.''

Your phone started ringing and you immediately answered, not wanting to deal with the awkward atmosphere in the room any longer. ''Hello, Mycroft,'' you greeted.

''We arrested Joseph Hyde. Thank you for your assistance, miss (Y/L/N ).''

You put your phone back in your pocket. ''They caught him,'' you told Sherlock.

''I didn't mean to scare you if that is what I did,'' he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

You shook your head and smiled slightly. ''You didn't,'' you assured him.

''Good. That's uh- good,'' he stuttered.

It was silent for a while. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

''I should go,'' you said.

''I'll see you later then.''

You nodded and rushed back to your own flat. You shut the door and allowed yourself to fall on top of your sofa.

You were frustrated, confused, angry and flustered all at the same time. You couldn't shake the feeling that Sherlock had looked at your lips as well. His face was so close to yours and you could swear his breathing was faster.

But Sherlock had never shown anyone any kind of emotion. Or were you an exception? He did say that he cared about your safety or was he just trying to get you off the case?

You groaned in frustration. You didn't know what to think anymore. Your powers of deduction were still failing you when it came to Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock was also having trouble. He was pacing his flat and muttering things to himself. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He didn't know why he felt the way he did. He didn't know what he was feeling but it felt... good.

He was having trouble entering his Mind Palace when you weren't around, and when he did manage to, it was filled with things that had to do with you. He subconsciously memorised every single thing that he knew about you.

When he pushed you against the wall, he wasn't thinking clearly. His face was so close to yours, his entire body seemed to shut down. He didn't know what to say or what to do, but he had this strong urge to kiss you.

He wasn't a fool, he, of course, realised what this meant, but he couldn't feel like this! He shouldn't feel like this. But he did.

He wanted to be with you. He wanted what John had with Mary; a relationship. He wanted to kiss you, hold you. He just wanted you.

Though, you didn't feel the same way. He knew you didn't because he knew you.

But what about your recent behaviour? The way your eyes flickered to his lips when he speaks. The way you avoid his gaze when he looks at you.

What if you did feel the same way? Well.. he could easily test that.

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