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8 years later...

''... then, your mother decided it would be a good idea to wander off on her own. She found the criminal, of course, but he shot her in the leg and ran off.''

Your little girl gasped. ''Mummy got shot?!''

''Oh, yes, it was quite the scare,'' Sherlock explained.

You appeared in the doorway, your arms crossed. You glared at your husband. ''Did I not tell you to stop using our cases as bedtime stories to Casey?''

Sherlock faked a frown, pretending to be deep in thought. ''Did you, Darling? I can't quite remember. Do you remember, Casey?''

She giggled and shook her head. ''No, daddy.''

Sherlock chuckled and tucked his daughter in. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and stroked her hair. ''Sweet dreams, Angel.''

You joined his side and wished your little girl a good night in the same way before you switched the light off and both left her room.

''If she has another nightmare tonight, you're the one to blame,'' you stated, still glaring at your husband.

''She loves to hear about our cases. She is always asking me about them. Why shouldn't I tell her?''

''She's four years old, Sherlock. It'll scare her.''

He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you into his chest. ''She's very brave. I think she can handle it.''

You fought to repress a smile but failed. ''Just keep the gory details out. And don't tell her about how I got shot!''

''Deal.'' He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.

You hummed, mirroring the smile on his face. ''Who would have ever thought.''


''Sherlock Holmes as a daddy and a husband,'' you grinned, ''I never saw it coming!''

He chuckled. ''I blame you and you only for this happening to me. And I couldn't be more thankful.''

''Me too,'' you said softly, wrapping your arms around his neck. ''I love you.''

''I love you, too.''

You let out a hushed shriek as Sherlock suddenly lifted you up in his arms and carried you to the bedroom.

Once in bed, he gathered you in his arms as you both settled in for the night in each other's safe and warm embrace.

Through hard and difficult times, you and Sherlock had been there for each other. You had supported, loved, and protected each other no matter what life kept throwing at you.

Though your ways of showing it were unconventional, you both knew the truth. You were made for each other. He was your partner in crime as you were his.

For the first time in your life, love had been given a permanent seat in your heart with one name on it written in gold; Sherlock Holmes.

Your detective.

Your husband.

The love of your life.

The End.

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