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Over the next few days, the case was both your and Sherlock's priority. You spent day and night following leads, coming up with more theories and trying so hard to find more clues on the whereabouts and the next move of Sebastian Moran. 

There was barely time for eating, sleeping or taking a break, and after continuous investigating without rest for multiple days, it started taking a toll on the both of you. 

You were cranky, exhausted and upset because you were getting nowhere closer to finding the serial killer and close employee of Moriarty. And spending all your time with one another in the same room day in, day out, wasn't helping either. 

It started out with small disagreements on the theories either of you would come up with, but as the exhaustion and frustration increased, the disagreements turned into full-blown arguments.

You came back to the living room, another steaming cup of coffee in your hands. The large bags beneath your eyes stood out as you dropped your head slightly, sipping the hot liquid. 

An agitated Sherlock raised his head from the documents he was flipping through and rolled his eyes. ''Haven't you had enough coffee already?'' he commented. 

''Shut up, Sherlock,'' you said, avoiding his gaze. 

He rolled his eyes again. ''I am trying to help you, (Y/N). Stop acting like such a child.'' 

That struck a nerve in your exhausted and overwhelmed mind. You slammed the cup on the table, the remaining coffee spilling. 

Sherlock's head shot up again, eyebrows raised. 

''I am not a child, Sherlock! Stop treating me like one!'' you snapped. 

Anger started to boil inside of the detective. His hands curled up into fists and his lips tightened into a fine line. All rationality was gone by this point. He was so tired and the tough case was only adding to the frustration. He jumped up from his chair, the documents falling off his lap. ''I am trying to take care of you!'' 

''I can handle myself, Sherlock! I don't need you to follow my every move and tell me what I should and shouldn't do!'' 

He scoffed. ''You act like I'm controlling you.'' 

''You are controlling me! You're so possessive and clingy and I can't stand it sometimes!'' 

Sherlock's face fell, a flash of hurt crossed his eyes. 

You were now on your feet as well, breathing heavily as you stared at him. 

''I am trying to keep you safe,'' he sneered. 

''I don't want you to! Keeping me safe is not going to help us find Moriarty any sooner. I am willing to do anything to solve this case and you are holding me back from doing that.'' 

''I am the one hindering the investigation?'' he challenged. ''Without me, you would've been dead by now!'' 

Your mouth fell open, eyes wide in anger. ''You are not superior to me, Sherlock,'' you hissed, stepping closer to the man. ''You are by no means smarter than I am and you do not have the right to tell me what I can and can't do.'' 

''I can when it is to protect you from the most dangerous man on the planet!'' he argued. 

''No, you can't!''

You lost all sense of calmness and completely lost it. Your emotions were all over the place. The exhaustion was getting to you and you desperately needed to take a break and sleep, so did Sherlock, but neither of you was going to admit that or do something about it. You were too focused on the case. 

Neither of you were ordinary people and your priorities weren't self-care and health. It was all about the thrill of the chase, the investigation and above all avenging your family. You needed revenge, you craved it.

Despite not having a close relationship with your parents, Moriarty had triggered something deep inside of you. The 'less human' part of you. 

Your mind was often stuck on the idea of revenge, causing anger and hatred to spread through you. The case had started to rise to your head. It had taken over. 

In the past, both you and Sherlock always distanced yourself from any investigation. It was important to emotionally separate yourself in order to not get lost. However, this was different and you simply couldn't keep your emotions in check and away from the whole thing. 

It was incredibly personal to both of you. Moriarty had targeted you. Moriarty had targeted Sherlock. He was after you two and he wasn't going to hold back.

The argument had turned into a staring match. You kept your eyes fixed on Sherlock's, showing each other how angry and upset you truly were, but also how tired and in need of a break you were. 

Sherlock's gaze softened, his shaking fists relaxing and hanging loosely by his side. ''(Y/N)—'' he tried. 

You shook your head, not letting him speak. ''No. I'm done,'' you said. ''I need a break, some air. I can't take this anymore. I- I don't know what I'm doing, and I just need a second to think.'' You turned around, grabbing your coat and pulling it on. 

Sherlock grasped your arm, pulling you close to him. ''Don't leave,'' he told you. ''Not when you're this exhausted and worn out.''

''Let go, Sherlock. I just need a moment to myself and so do you. We've been cooped up in this flat for too long. I need a break.'' 

''I'll come with you.''

''Alone, Sherlock. I'm going alone!'' You pulled your arm from his grip and grabbed your phone and keys. You wasted no time hurrying out of the flat.

A sigh left his lips as he dropped his head in defeat. 

You had spent every minute of the day together for about a week. All you did was work and work. You two made no time to just sit back and relax for even a minute nor did you tend to each other's needs to ensure you were both doing alright. 

It caused tension between the two of you and provoked many disagreements and even heavy disputes. Words had left his lips, words he didn't even mean. He was just drained and discouraged and he took it out on you the way you took it out on him.

Sherlock let himself fall on the couch, his long legs stretched across. He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling as he stared at the ceiling. Exhaustion hit him like a truck and his eyes felt heavier than ever. The past week had drained him of his energy and since he took no time to rest, his body just went numb. His eyes fluttered shut and his head lulled to the side, resting on the soft pillow. All thoughts fled his mind and he soon fell into a deep sleep.

You, on the other hand, couldn't sit down. 

Your hands were buried deep inside in your pockets as you hid your face in your collar, shielding yourself from the sharp wind. Your mind raced as your legs kept carrying you forwards, no destination in your head. 

The cold air of London enveloped you as you crossed the street, not bothering to pay attention to traffic. You were tired yet restless. Sitting down and taking a moment to breathe was simply not on your agenda.

Walking had always been a way to release stress to you. It helped get your thoughts in order and prioritise. 

As you looked up at the sky, you realised it was getting dark already. The sun displayed its orange light on the streets of London as it slowly disappeared.

It would probably wise to go back home and get some sleep.

You crossed the street, Baker Street coming into view. You quickened your pace, starting to get chilly as the wind howled. 

You fumbled for the key in your pocket, dropping it on the pavement. You cursed to yourself and bent down to pick it up.

As you stood up, you felt a hard object hit you over the head, sending you tumbling to the ground. 

Black specks clouded your vision as you felt someone drag you across the pavement. You were unable to move or scream, the impact rendering you powerless.

''Sherlock,'' you whispered weakly before everything went black.

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