Welcome Home

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You were sat in the leather chair, a cup of steaming tea in your hands.

You had taken a shower and had gotten dressed and now you were waiting for Sherlock to come over.

You had texted him that morning, asking him to stop by so you could talk. You were still hurt and upset, but after two years of having lost him, your heart wanted nothing more than to see him.

Anxiety crept up your throat as you heard heavy footsteps ascend the stairs. There was a slight hesitation before the door opened and the once dead detective walked in.

He had a soft, yet sad smile on his face as he captured your gaze. ''Hi.''

''Hi,'' you said back, your voice a quiet whisper.

He hung up his coat and sat down in John's old chair, keeping his gaze fixed on you as you stared at the floor.

It was quiet for a while. Neither of you knew what to say or do. There was a strained tension in the room, but you nor Sherlock dared to break it, too afraid of what the other's reaction would be.

You had missed each other, there was no doubt about it. But you had hurt one another and matters like that weren't so easily resolved. Especially when it was as serious as this.

You played with your mug, the tea having grown cold. Your hands were shaking as you avoided looking at the man you had to miss for so long.

After a long silence, Sherlock cleared his throat. ''I really am sorry, (Y/N). I never wanted to hurt you. I caused you pain and I will never forgive myself for it. I just need you to know I would have done it differently if I had been able to.''

You nodded, biting your lip and fighting the threatening tears.

''You told me last night you wanted to know everything, so I'm here to answer whatever question you have. It only seems fair.''

''Did anyone know?'' you asked bluntly.

''That I was alive?''

You nodded.

He sighed, lowering his head. ''A few people knew.''

You gulped, feeling your eyes start to sting again. ''Who?'' you croaked.

''Mycroft, Molly, and some of my homeless network. That's all, I promise. It was an elaborate plan, I needed help.''

''What about your dad? Did he know? He wasn't at the funeral.''

''Oh, yes, him as well. He knew, too.''

You took a deep breath, feeling anger rise. ''Why not me?''

''I didn't know where you were.''

''Then after I came back! Why not me? Why would you let me grief like that? For two bloody years, Sherlock!''

''I couldn't,'' he said quietly. ''You couldn't know. Moriarty's people had close eyes on you. If you found out, so would they. You'd have been killed right away. I couldn't let that happen.''

''It's not fair,'' you choked. You hid your face as you began to cry again.

Sherlock sat stiffly in his seat for a moment before going against his better judgement. He stood up and kneeled down in front of you and took your hands in his, making you look at him. ''I'm sorry. I- I wanted to reach out so many times. It was so hard to stay away from you knowing what I was putting you through.''

You let more tears fall as he gripped your hands tighter.

''I missed you. You don't know how much I've missed you. I'm sorry, (Y/N). From now on, I will never hurt you like this again. I swear it. Just give me a chance to prove it to you. I need you as much as you need me.'' He was on the verge of tears as he stared desperately into your eyes. ''(Y/N)?''

You let out a strained sob as you fell forwards into his embrace. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his shirt as you let out all the emotions that had been plaguing you for two years.

Sherlock held you tightly against him, his nose in your hair as silent tears dripped down his pale cheeks. ''God, (Y/N),'' he rasped. ''Christ, I missed you. I'm so sorry.''

You held onto him even firmer. ''I missed you, too. Don't leave again, please. You can't- You can't do this to me again. Please.''

He shook his head. ''Never again. Never again, I promise.'' He stroked your hair and slowly rocked you back and forth as he sat with you on the floor. His face was wet with tears.

You pulled away slightly to look at him. ''You're really here,'' you whispered. ''It's not a dream.''

''I'm here, darling. I'm not leaving again. I'm home.''

You cupped his face with both hands and pressed a hard kiss to his lips, pouring in every ounce of love and passion you felt for this man.

After two miserable and lonely years, the love of your life had returned. He was back in your arms and you knew you'd never let him go again for he was yours and you were his.

You broke apart and stared into each other's eyes.

Sherlock's skin wrinkled as a wide smile crossed his face. ''I will never get enough of that,'' he admitted softly. ''I have missed doing that with you.''

''Me, too,'' you said earnestly before kissing him again.

The both of you sat on the floor for a while, holding and kissing one another. Neither of you was ready to let go yet and you didn't have to. Finally, you had all the time in the world to be with each other.

No more worry, no more doubt. No more Moriarty to tear you two apart. Just happiness and bliss.

At long last, you two were together again.

Sherlock pulled away from the hug and looked at you. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as his loving gaze met yours. ''I love you,'' he whispered.

''I love you, too. More than you know.''

He smirked. ''Oh, I think I know. I heard you.''

You raised your eyebrow. ''What?''

''The nights you spent at my gravestone, I heard you. Your every word. And it's all mutual.''

''You're lucky you're so handsome, you know.''


''I would've punched you and broken your nose if you weren't so good looking.''

He chuckled. ''Don't worry. John already took care of that.''

''So I heard.'' You smiled at him. ''I'm glad you're home.''

''I am, too. Nothing beats home with you,'' he said with a smirk playing on his lips.

''Oh, shut up, Holmes. We have a lot of catching up to do.''


Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Thank you for reading and have a great day :)

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