Figuring It Out

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Loud crashes coming from the kitchen awoke you from your nap. You looked around and realised you were no longer on the sofa, but back in Sherlock's bed.

As your mind went back to the conversation you had had with Sherlock earlier that day, your mood instantly dulled.

You had finally gathered the courage to speak up about what had been going on between the both of you, but Sherlock hadn't been willing to discuss it. It made for an even more awkward tension between you and the consulting detective, and since you were still stuck in his flat for a while longer, you weren't at all pleased.

Another crash in the kitchen fired up your curiosity and you decided to see what was up. You eased yourself out of the bed, but as soon as you put your weight on your leg, you shrieked in pain.

Footsteps were immediately heard running down the hall. Within seconds, the door was slammed open and Sherlock came rushing in. ''Are you alright? What happened?''

Tears stung your eyes as you sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing your leg. ''Nothing, I'm fine. I just tried to get up and couldn't do it.''

''Why didn't you call for me first? I would've helped you.''

''I didn't want to call you first because I'm sick of you carrying me around all the time!'' you snapped. You looked up at his face and immediately regretted your words.

''If me helping you bothers you so much, why didn't you mention it sooner?'' He sounded hurt.

You sighed. ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just frustrated.''

''Frustrated how?''

''Because!'' you yelled. ''My leg is keeping me from functioning on my own. I can't go anywhere by myself. I haven't been able to go to work in three weeks, and I'm getting sick of you fleeing when I try to discuss important matters with you!''

Sherlock stayed silent. He didn't look at you, just took a deep breath and sat down beside you. ''I apologise,'' he finally said.

You felt slightly calmer now and nodded. ''Yeah, me too.''

''I panicked this morning. I didn't think you'd confront me like that, and when you did, I just- I just freaked out. I didn't know what to do. This is all new to me, and it's driving me mad.''

You felt bad for him. You knew bringing it up out of nowhere would cause issues, but you weren't thinking at the time. You just wanted everything off your chest.

''I agree with you, though. I know we need to talk about this. I just needed a moment.''

''I understand.'' You gave him a soft smile, trying to reassure him. Before you knew it, your head was resting on his shoulder as you both stared ahead of you. ''What were you doing in the kitchen anyway?''

Sherlock's cheeks flushed red. ''I tried to make dinner.''

You sat up and stared at him, a grin on your face. ''You tried to make dinner? You never cook. What has gotten into you?''

''Shut up, (Y/N),'' he grunted, rolling his eyes. ''I was trying to be considerate.''

''Well, I appreciate it.'' You laughed.

He looked at you and couldn't help but smile. ''I don't think it's edible, though. I think some sulphur of one of my experiments managed to get into the soup.''

''It's the thought that counts.''

He nodded. ''I apologise for running off earlier. I'm ready to talk now if you are.''

''I'm not sure where to begin,'' you admitted. ''This is all new to me.''

''I feel like a teenager from one of those soppy films Mary and John always used to watch whenever he brought her over here for a night in.''

You chuckled. ''Couldn't they have gone to her place instead? She lived alone back then, didn't she? Before John moved in with her?''

''John wanted me to feel included,'' he said, smirking down at you. ''They were some of the most horrible evenings I've had.''

''I can imagine. I'd never force you to watch those things with me.''

''I wouldn't mind watching them for you.''

You blushed at his words. ''Well, don't worry, you won't have to, but thank you.''

''What do you think this is?'' he asked suddenly.

You thought for a second. ''I think we've both had very isolated and lonely lives. I think we relate to each other because we're so similar. And I think that need for understanding and acceptance has caused us to have feelings for each other that go beyond those of friendship.''

He nodded. ''I think you're right.''

''So what now?''

''I don't know.'' He sighed. ''We could ignore this and remain friends. Though, I don't think I could keep that up for much longer.''

''Me neither,'' you agreed. ''Only one other option then. We explore this further and see what happens.''

''Yep,'' he answered, staring at the wall in front of him.

''So what should we do now then? What did those people in the films do?''

''Dramatically declare their love for each other and then proceed to make out.''

You nodded in understanding. ''I think the dramatic declarations are unnecessary since we both understand each other's feelings. So... that leaves the- uh making out part.''

''It appears so.''

You captured his gaze, not breaking eye contact. You felt your heart pounding in your chest. Your breathing sped up and your hands got clammy. You felt your nerves in every part of your body. ''Shall we then?'' you asked quietly.

He nodded, gently cupping your cheek with one hand. ''I think we shall.''

You leant in, closing the gap between you. Your eyes fell shut as you savoured the feeling of his lips against yours. It was a magical feeling.

After weeks and weeks of hiding and ignoring your feelings for him, you were finally kissing him. It felt better than you could have ever anticipated. It completely took your breath away.

You soon pulled away. His hand was still resting on your cheek as you stared at each other, both panting.

You were the first to laugh, Sherlock soon following suit.

''This is so ridiculous,'' you giggled. ''We are so ridiculous.''

''I know,'' he breathed. ''But- But that was good.''

You looked at him. ''It was.''

''Dinner then?'' he asked. ''I'm sure some of it is edible.''

You nodded. ''Dinner.''

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