A Breakthrough

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You were on the sofa in 221B, staring at a bug crawling on the ceiling.

Sherlock was sat in his chair, checking the news for anything useful to your case. So far, he had come up with nothing.

You grabbed the bouncy ball Sherlock used to relieve stress and threw it against the ceiling, only just missing the bug. You threw it again, this time hitting the creature and killing it.

It left a nasty smudge on the white paint. Mrs Hudson wouldn't be too happy about that.

''Found anything?'' you asked, looking over at Sherlock.

''Nothing as usual.'' He sighed and put his phone down, staring at you instead.

It had been an agonising few days. Once you had decided repeatedly looking over the evidence was a waste of time, the case had become a waiting game. Already, you were sick and tired of it.

You were still waiting for Moriarty to make his move. Without it, you'd have nothing more to go of off.

It was a horrible thought knowing your entire case depended on the person who was responsible for it in the first place. It gave him all the power and you none. You hated being out of control.

''Tea?'' Sherlock asked.

You shrugged. ''Sure. Why not?''

He got up and walked to the kitchen.

You could hear the kettle boiling from your place on the sofa. You had forgotten how it felt to be bored. You hadn't missed it one bit.

Sherlock returned with two cuppas and a biscuit for you to eat. ''Here.''

''Thanks.'' You shot him a quick smile, sitting up to take the cup from him.

Just as Sherlock went to sit down again and enjoy his tea, there was a knock on the door. He groaned, but placed his cup down and went to answer it.

''Sorry to bother you,'' the man at the door said. ''I tried downstairs, but no one answered, so I figured I'd drop this off here.'' He handed Sherlock a box and headed back outside.

Sherlock took the box inside, setting it down on the coffee table.

''What is it?'' you asked.

''The police in Scotland sent us more evidence to look over,'' he responded. He grabbed a pair of scissors from the desk and cut the tape. He then grabbed a pair of rubber gloves before taking out the content of the box.

You gasped. ''Is that the murder weapon? Did they find the murder weapon?''

Sherlock turned the gun in his hands, looking at it closely. ''Looks like it,'' he hummed.

''What else is in there?'' You got up and looked inside. ''Fingerprints. They found fingerprints on the gun.''

''Did your dad own a gun?'' Sherlock wondered.

''Not that I know of. Then again, I didn't know much about my dad's personal life.''

''Then this must be the murderer's gun. We should head to Scotland Yard and have Lestrade check the fingerprints. Whoever this culprit is, he might be in their system.''

You and Sherlock wasted no time grabbing your coats and rushing out the door, the box tucked under his arm.

You were both buzzing with excitement. A new lead had finally presented itself.

Hopefully, it would give you some answers. 


Hope you're all doing okay and enjoying the story so far. Have a good day, everyone!

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