Sebastian Moran

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You groaned, peeling your eyes open. Your vision was blurry and your surroundings were dark. After blinking a few times, your eyes adjusted and you got a better look at where you were. 

You were in the middle of a small room, tied to an uncomfortable chair by ropes. The concrete floor was covered in dirt and old blood spatters. Chains dangled from the ceiling, looking rusty and outdated. It instantly clicked in your mind. You were in some sort of torture chamber. 

Directly in front of you, in the corner of the room was a heavy-looking, metal door. It was closed and probably locked. You sighed, continuing with your scan of the environment, trying to get as much information out of it as possible. 

There were no visible cameras in the room, nor a mirror that could function as a window to others. There was no sign of any equipment to record your voice or image. You were completely alone in the room. But you weren't stupid. If you were to try and break free from your restraints, you'd face consequences and not pleasant ones at that. There was no way that you were truly by yourself. Other people, at least one should be nearby. 

The one who took you wouldn't leave you in an aged looking room by yourself, risking your escape. No criminal was that stupid or they would all get caught in an instant. Even Scotland Yard would manage to find them if their intelligence levels were that low. 

Following your instincts, you stayed seated on the chair, held back by ropes. You would simply await the arrival of Sherlock or the one behind this scheme. 

Luckily, you didn't have to wait very long.

The heavy door opened slowly, creating a terrible screeching noise that made your ears bleed. You gritted your teeth and clenched your eyes shut, attempting to block out the noise. Your head still ached from the impact and while you could ignore it at first, the loudness of the door made it seemingly impossible. 

As a harsh bang filled the room, you opened your eyes again. The door had been thrown shut and had taken nearly all light with it. Suddenly, a light bulb above your head flickered on and you came face to face with someone you remembered well. 

You swallowed thickly and tried to control your breathing. Showing fear was not something you were up for. ''Bit cliché the whole torture room with a chair and a light bulb, don't you think?'' you challenged. 

He chuckled. ''I can almost smell your fear. Aren't you glad to see me again? I did spare you on our first encounter, didn't I?'' 

You scoffed. ''That was hardly sparing me. You said you had a plan to adhere to, it's why you didn't kill me that day. Is this it? Is this your plan?'' 

His deep laugh rumbled through the tight air in the room. ''You stupid girl. My boss said you were a smart one, just like Sherlock. But honestly, I can't see it.'' 

''Boss?'' you inquired. ''You're a wanted serial killer. Scotland Yard has been after you since they opened the case. They haven't stopped. Not even since you shot me in the leg and put me in a hospital. They are still looking for you, Sebastian.'' 

''Oh, so you know my name now. I must admit, I don't think we're on first-name basis yet.'' 

''I know you work for Moriarty, Moran.'' 

He hummed. ''Maybe not so stupid after all.'' 

''I was going to play along with your games. Playing the clueless target, but that wouldn't be any fun now, would it?'' you said, keeping confidence in your voice. ''You see, I'm tired of this case. I want it finished and the only way to end this is by killing your boss. And that is exactly how it's going to go.'' 

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