Wedding Invitations

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Your hand was holding Sherlock's as you walked home. It was an unusually bright day. The sun was shining, there were hardly any clouds in the sky, and a soft breeze gently hit your skin. It was still freezing cold, but your coat kept you somewhat warm.

You looked up at the detective as you walked in silence. He had his eyes fixed on the horizon but squeezed your hand to let you know he knew you were staring.

You chuckled to yourself. The past few weeks had been wonderful. Everything was mostly the same. You went to work, solved cases, and enjoyed the occasional meal at Angelo's. Going there after a long case had become a tradition for you and Sherlock.

Something was different, though. Ever since you and Sherlock first kissed a few weeks ago, things had changed. You spent a lot more time together, even more than you already did, and you had gotten closer to one another.

You had kissed more since the first time and there were other displays of affection from time to time, but you hadn't talked about any of it yet. You had been enjoying this new closeness and had shied away from labelling anything so soon.

Though, recently, you had started to wonder if you and Sherlock were exclusive. Were you dating? Was it just a casual thing? You didn't know and it was starting to bother you. You didn't pressure Sherlock, though. You never even mentioned it. It would come up one day, you were sure of it.

''Awfully dull case today, wasn't it?'' Sherlock asked, ending the silence.

You nodded. ''It seemed interesting when Lestrade told us about it, but it was so simple and obvious once we got to the crime scene.''

''Anderson could have solved if he didn't have his head stuck in his arse all the time.''

''Don't give him too much credit,'' you laughed.

Sherlock chuckled and looked at you. ''You're shivering. Are you cold?''

''I'm fine.''

Sherlock rolled his eyes, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around your neck instead. ''I told you to buy a scarf weeks ago, didn't I?''

''Who are you? My mother? I'm fine, don't worry.'' You tried to take off his scarf and hand it back to him, but he refused.

''Wear it,'' he demanded. ''It suits you better anyway.''

''Thank you,'' you said earnestly. You weren't going to admit Sherlock was right, it would only boost his ego.

''Don't mention it. I'm just trying to be a proper boyfriend. That's what good boyfriends do, right? I saw them do it in the films.''

You stopped dead in your tracks. ''Yes, I- I think so,'' you stammered.

''You look like you just saw a ghost. Not that I believe in the supernatural, it's merely make-believe, but it's a good expression. Anyone would look the way you look now if they'd seen a ghost.''

''Boyfriend?'' you cut him off.

He stopped talking and looked at you, feeling nerves rise in his chest. ''Well, yes. Is that not the correct term?''

''I don't know. I mean, we haven't talked about this yet.''

''I didn't think that was necessary as we have been affectionate with each other.''

''Affection doesn't automatically mean a relationship. You need to discuss those things first!''

''Oh,'' he simply said. ''That's not how they did it in the films.''

''For someone who claims to hate romantic films, you surely know a lot about them,'' you pointed out.

He gulped. ''It was for an experiment.''

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