The Fallen Man

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Existence was bleak.

At first, you tried to keep track of the days by watching the sun. Though the outside world soon became too depressing and you hadn't opened the curtains since. You were trapped in a dark room day after day.

People had stopped coming in. Moriarty himself hadn't come in since that first time. The only human contact you had was the few seconds the door opened to a hand sliding a plate of food into your room. The first few times it happened, you had tried to escape, but it didn't take long for you to give up on that.

You had given up on everything. You stopped plotting a plan to kill Moriarty. You stopped finding ways to contact the outside world, to contact Sherlock. You stopped asking questions. You stopped causing a fuss to get Moriarty's attention. You stopped being yourself.

You had given up and that was that.

So you spent your time in bed underneath the dirty sheets, only getting up when you absolutely needed to.

Moriarty was winning and you were letting him.

The door cracked open.

You shut your eyes to block the small invasion of light and waited for the food to come in and for the door to close again.

Instead, you heard footsteps enter the room.

''Good morning, sunshine!'' Moriarty chirped, his hands buried inside his pockets and a wide grin on his face. ''It's time to get up. You and I are going to have some fun today.''

''Haven't you tormented me enough?'' you croaked, hiding your face in the sheets. ''You broke me and ruined my life. You won, now leave me alone.''

''Poor little (Y/N),'' Jim mocked. ''You've disappointed me. I thought you'd fight, but you gave up.''

''I did fight. I just realised there was no point in it anymore.''

The consulting criminal groaned. ''Boring! Boring! You're boring me, (Y/N)! You were supposed to be entertaining me, but you're boring.''

You stayed silent.

''Good thing Sherlock has been keeping me very entertained.''

That prompted you to sit up. Your hazy eyes focussed on the man in front of you as you glared at him. ''Don't you dare touch him.''

''Oh, still feisty! I knew you had it in you,'' he smirked. ''Get dressed, princess. We have somewhere we need to be.''


Come and play.

Bart's hospital rooftop


Sherlock hesitated a second before pressing send with his thumb. He looked up from his phone and breathed out quietly.

He knew what was going to happen today. He understood what sacrifice he'd have to make if his plan didn't work, but it was worth it.

He had figured out Moriarty's intentions. He knew what it would take to free you from his grasp and he didn't doubt for a second that he'd do it. He was ready to give up everything if it meant keeping you safe. Even if doing so could be the one thing that'd break you.

You were strong. Sherlock had always admired your strength. If his plan worked, he knew that one day he'd be able to come back to you. You'd be there, he didn't doubt that.

He took one more deep breath before standing up. Grabbing his coat, he gathered his courage and marched out the door.


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