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hello, my lovelies. happy new year!!! we've made it through the worst year of our lives, and we're all prepared to kick 2017's ass. I was going to post a new years one shot last night but I decided to post it today after writing over nine thousand words.

it's another childhood fic, advancing in their age as the fic goes on :')

Im super duper excited sharing this fic with you all; I absolutely adore childhood fics and "watching them grow."

enjoy it

Tyler yawned, blinking heavily a few times as he glanced over at his best friend. They were hiding beneath Joshua's kitchen table as they tried to escape the overwhelming party going on around them. Well, at least Tyler was trying to escape; Joshua just went along with him because it was what his friend wanted. He himself had no problem with the excitement of the party.

"Joshy..." He mumbled sleepily, leaning against the other boy some as several tall figures surrounded their hiding spot, the two of them seeing nothing more than shoes passing by beneath the long tablecloth that shaded them from the outside world. "When can we sleep?" He asked, looking up at his best friend in question.

Joshua gave him a pout, pulling away from Tyler and crawling out to see what was going on outside of their hiding place. "It almost time, Tyler! C'mon!" He looked at back at Tyler with a grin before grabbing his arm and dragging him out from under the table and back into the busy house.

Time for what? Tyler wasn't sure. He knew his parents had brought him here because it was New Year's Eve and they were celebrating. He didn't know what it meant, though. He wasn't sure just what they were celebrating. However, it seemed Joshua did and he was quickly dragged away from the safety of their hiding spot and out into the open atmosphere.

Tyler didn't have much choice but to follow behind Joshua as they crawled up onto the couch, Joshua trying to show him something on the TV that was being blocked by the heads of all the adults already surrounding the screen. Joshua jumped up and down on the couch, trying to see what was happening and Tyler could hear the speakers blasting a countdown that seemed to be nearing its end.

When the loud voice echoing throughout the room and dulling the chatter of everyone else finally hit zero, the entire room erupted into cheering and smiles and "Happy New Year's!" Tyler quickly noticed the people in the room kissing, all the couples. He saw his parents among the crowd as well as Joshua's, all sharing in the act.

This only furthered his confusion. Why was everyone kissing and cheering? And what was the countdown for? However, it was only a moment before Joshua was bouncing excitedly next to him and pulled Tyler from his thoughts. Next thing he knew, his best friend had leaned in with lips puckered and planted a kiss on his lips. Joshua pulled away just as quickly as it had happened with a bright smile, the gap in his teeth showing from where he had lost his first baby tooth a few weeks ago. "Happy New Year, Tyler!" He exclaimed, and Tyler couldn't even find it in him to be upset over the kiss.

"Happy New Year, Joshy!" He replied, a small smile tugging at his own lips as Joshua grabbed onto his wrist again and dragged Tyler out the back door. Tyler shivered as the cold air hit his skin and looked over at Joshua in confusion. "Why? It's cold Joshu-" Joshua cut him off.

"Shh, Ty. Look." He pointed up at the sky. Suddenly there was a loud boom as the ground below them shook. Then, the sky exploded into color as fireworks began lighting up the empty canvas of the night sky. Tyler stared up in awe, his hand still held tightly in Joshua's as they watched the fireworks show until their cheeks turned red from the biting cold and their fingers went numb.

one shots ❯ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now