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i blame plumptyler for this

time 2 get kinkyyyyyyy (not really tyler just rides the ever living fuck out of joshua)

i'm actually quite shocked i haven't had tyler call josh daddy yet.

little bit of dom!tyler but he ends up taking it up the ass anyways because joshua. doesn't. bottom. :)

EDIT: let me mention now that there's a NSFW photo in here haha oopsies!

anyways, enjoy.


Tyler fucking hates Dustin Heveron with everything in him.

The dude's a pretentious, wanna-be cunt who will find any way possible to try and make fun of Tyler.

Whether it be how small he is, how "unusual" his voice is, how "immature" he is, or how pudgy his ass is, Joshua still loves this twat to death, and Tyler absolutely hates it.

It isn't like Tyler is jealous, not at all. He knows Joshua is and will always be a loyal boyfriend, and he knows that Dustin and him are just best friends. But Tyler can't stand how Joshua nearly worships the ground the actor walks on. Tyler can barely tolerate the guy. And in all reality, he doesn't. He makes it his life mission to call Dustin out on all the bullshit he speaks.

It's for these reasons that Tyler is less than happy when Joshua mentions that he invited Dustin over to their house that night for "a couple drinks."

"Why the fuck would you do that?" Tyler exclaims. "You know I hate him."

"Yes, but I really think you guys could become great friends!" Joshua argues, his smile wide at the thought of his boyfriend and his best friend not trying to rip each other's hair out. "You two really are similar, y'know."

"We are not." Tyler protests, crossing his arms in front of his chest, pouting. "Me and your buddy-ole-pal are nothing alike. I'm nothing like that prick."

Joshua rolls his eyes, "whatever you say, Ty. He's still coming over. Just behave." Joshua says sternly.

Tyler huffs out in response, his bottom lip still pushed outwards. That is, until Joshua leans in and kisses the pout off of his lips, resulting in Tyler giggling. (Though he's still displeased over the fact that Dustin is coming over).


When the doorbell rings that night, signaling Dustin's arrival, Tyler sighs. It's long and drawn out as he flops himself down onto the couch, burying his face into the cushions. It's stupid and childish, honestly. But to be honest, Tyler really doesn't give a shit.

Joshua smacks his ass as he passes by on his way to open the front door. In which Tyler growls at him, the noise muffled by the couch cushion. A simple gesture like that is not going to make him feel any better, no matter who it's delivered by.

Tyler groans as he hears the door hinge's squeak, and doesn't stop groaning when he hears Dustin's obnoxious laugh. Footsteps echo through the hallway, that is until both Joshua and Dustin are in the living room and,

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